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Understanding Polio: Causes and Symptoms Explained

The virus is omnipresent in our environment and without effective water treatment, it is almost impossible to avoid it. But then, how can we protect ourselves effectively?


  • Poliomyelitis is a contagious disease caused by the poliovirus, mainly affecting children under 5 years of age.
  • WHO launched a polio eradication initiative in 1988, based on surveillance and vaccination.
  • The last case of polio in France dates back to 1995, the disease was eliminated in Europe in 2002.
  • The disease is transmitted through contaminated water and dirty hands, and vaccination is the only effective means of prevention.

Understanding Polio

Polio, also known as poliois a highly contagious infectious disease caused by a virus called ” poliovirus“It mainly affects children under 5 years old, causing loss of muscle tone and flaccid paralysis, which can affect the entire body.

History and eradication of polio

Before the era of vaccination, polio was one of the most feared childhood scourges. To eradicate it, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988, focusing on surveillance and vaccination. Today, the disease persists mainly in Afghanistan, Pakistan and central African countries.

Transmission and symptoms of polio

Poliovirus, present in the environment, is transmitted mainly through contaminated water or by unclean hands. Although symptomatic forms are rare, when the virus reaches the central nervous system, it can cause muscle paralysis ranging from minor to extremely disabling.

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Diagnosis and treatment of polio

The diagnosis of polio is mainly clinical, based on the observation of a sudden loss of muscle tone. As for treatment, unfortunately there is no cure for the infection. The after-effects of paralysis are irreversible, but physiotherapy can sometimes help in cases of mild disability.

The vaccine, compulsory in France since 1964, remains the only effective means of prevention against poliomyelitis.

Editorial opinion

Polio reminds us of the crucial importance of vaccination in the fight against infectious diseases. Despite its near-total eradication, the persistence of a few pockets of infection demonstrates the challenges we still face. It is therefore essential that we continue to support international efforts to eliminate this disease completely.

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