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Understanding Phubbing: How Gadget Distraction Is Impacting Real-World Communication

January 2, 2024 6:33 AM |

Updated: January 2, 2024 07:23

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Phubbing, neglect because you are busy with gadgets, source: freepik.com

Phubbing a combination of “Phone + Snubbing”this is a condition when someone ignores what is around them because they are busy paying attention to the screen gadget.

This condition can occur when two people are involved in communication but one of them slowly shifts attention from the other person to the screen gadget.

How to shift attention like phubbing is a sign that the person you are talking to is no longer interested or is no longer interested in the topic of conversation.

Indirectly doing so phubbing is disguised disregard or disinterest in a subtle way. The problem is that this is done randomly “face to face” in front of the person you are talking to directly.

Lack of interest in the topic of conversation by doing phubbing can be seen from expressions, facial expressions and attitudes that can be observed directly.

More Interested in the Virtual World

The existence of objects gadget further aggravates the phenomenon “Phubbing“. Most people in any situation and condition always seem to be holding gadget whether in use or not.

This further emphasizes people’s interest today in noisy communication in cyberspace rather than face-to-face communication “face to face” personally with people in the real world

We often see that in a restaurant there is a large family sitting together facing the dining table but all family members are busy gadgeteach of them.

Instead of interacting with family members while eating together, everyone is engrossed in staring at the screen gadget. Even though we have worked hard to gather in one place, there is still no interaction in warm communication.

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2024-01-01 23:33:18
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