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Understanding Panic Attacks: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


Many people have panic attacks that affect them in different ways. Some people have a panic attack for a short period of time, while others may have attacks for long periods. Panic attacks can occur to a person at any time for no apparent reason, or as a result of constant tension that he has been feeling for a while.

Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and university professor Rana Haddad defines a panic attack, or what is known as a panic attack, as an attack of intense anxiety that occurs suddenly and lasts for minutes and can last for hours. And she stresses that it is important to exclude organic diseases, such as heart disease and a person who is going through a period of depression or general anxiety, so that we can consider it a panic attack.

As for the symptoms, Haddad indicated in an interview with MTV that they are summed up in palpitation, a greatly accelerated heart rate, rapid breathing, a feeling of suffocation and shortness of breath, muscle spasm, chest pain, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, dizziness and fainting, in addition to To the feeling of numbness in the body and sweating.

She pointed out that it is necessary to control oneself and not be afraid in front of the person with whom the panic attack occurred, in addition to reassuring him, standing by his side, helping him, listening to him, and asking him how we can help him and what will comfort him in this situation. We must not forget to respect the situation that this person is going through, be a source of trust for him, help him breathe in a calm manner, remove him from the place of pressure in which he lives, and acknowledge his feelings without judging him.

And she continues that a person can practice breathing exercises and relax, and most importantly practice a correct breathing method, that is, that affects the heartbeat, and reassure the person that it is a stage and it will pass.

Haddad concludes that psychological treatment is necessary in this case, and it can be accompanied by taking specific medications in the event that the panic attack is severe and frequently repeated.

2023-06-03 08:01:33

#Symptoms #affect #you.. #panic #attack

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