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Understanding Pancreatic Cancer and its Causes for Prevention and Early Detection – JawaPos.com

JawaPos.com–Not many people know, November 17th is Pancreatic Cancer Day throughout the world. Quoted from Siloam Hospitals, the pancreas is an organ in the back of the upper right side of the stomach.

The pancreas, as part of the human body, has an important role in releasing hormones and enzymes. One of them is the hormone insulin which is closely related to blood sugar levels in the human body.

If there is a problem with the pancreas, such as cancer, the performance of that organ will be hampered. The production of the hormone insulin becomes abnormal as well as uncontrolled blood sugar levels.

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World Pancreatic Cancer Day is a moment to examine pancreatic cancer in more depth so that it can be prevented from an early stage.

Understanding Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a health problem that is quite as dangerous as other cancers. This cancer is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in pancreatic tissue.

Pancreatic cancer is more likely to attack people over 55 years of age. Even so, this disease can still affect people of all ages.

Pancreatic cancer is also often mentioned as silent killer. This is because the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in the early stages are often not felt by sufferers. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer only appear when the cancer cells have spread to other organs in the body.

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Causes and Triggers of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is caused by gene mutations in cells in the pancreas organ. However, the cause of these cells mutating is not yet known in detail and with certainty.

Even so, there are several factors that can trigger the emergence of pancreatic cancer in a person and cause cell mutations. These include obesity, aged 55 years and over, blood type A, B, or AB, having a family history of cancer, suffering from diabetes, inflammation of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis), periodontitis, gallstones, hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis liver, as well as Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection. Apart from that, unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, consuming excessive alcohol, and so on.

2023-11-16 15:18:00
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