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“Understanding Menopause and Weight Gain: Expert Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Body”

Understanding Menopause and Weight Gain: Expert Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Body

Menopause and weight gain often seem to go hand in hand, leaving many women frustrated and concerned about their changing bodies. Dr. Monica Christmas, director of the menopause program at the University of Chicago Medicine, sheds light on this issue in a recent episode of the podcast “Chasing Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta.” In the episode, she discusses the factors that contribute to weight gain during menopause and provides expert tips for maintaining a healthy body. Let’s delve into the insights shared by Dr. Christmas and explore how women can navigate this challenging phase of life.

The Link Between Menopause and Weight Gain

Dr. Christmas acknowledges that women do tend to gain about 1½ pounds per year during their 40s and 50s, with much of the weight accumulating in the midsection. This weight gain can lead to metabolic problems such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, she emphasizes that menopause alone is not solely responsible for this weight gain. Aging plays a significant role as well.

The Impact of Aging on Weight Gain

According to Dr. Christmas, aging brings about lifestyle changes that contribute to weight gain. As we age, we become more sedentary and less active than we once were. The responsibilities of work and parenting often leave little time for leisure activities that used to keep us physically active. Combined with a natural decline in metabolism as we get older, these factors make weight gain more likely.

Maintaining a Healthy Body During Menopause

While weight gain during menopause may seem inevitable, Dr. Christmas assures us that it is not a lost cause. By making intentional choices and adopting healthy habits, women can mitigate the effects of menopause on their bodies. Here are five tips she offers:

1. Treat Your Diet Like Your Bank Account

Dr. Christmas advises being meticulous about what you choose to put into your body and how you spend your calories. Avoid highly processed foods that are high in sodium, sugar, and trans fats. Instead, opt for a plant-forward diet filled with anti-inflammatory foods, similar to the Mediterranean diet. Indulge in treats occasionally but remember to scale back later.

2. Make Physical Activity a Way of Life

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and combating muscle loss that occurs with age. Dr. Christmas recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and two days of muscle strengthening per week. The key is to find an exercise routine that you enjoy and will stick to. Whether it’s walking, yoga, swimming, or weightlifting, the options are endless.

3. Limit Alcohol Intake

Alcohol not only adds extra calories but can also disrupt sleep, trigger depression, and lead to overeating. Dr. Christmas advises limiting alcohol consumption or avoiding it altogether.

4. Prioritize Sleep

Research has shown that inadequate sleep is associated with weight gain. Lack of sleep often leads to increased snacking and indulgence in high-calorie foods. Make sure to prioritize sleep and establish a consistent sleep routine.

5. Practice Self-Care and Self-Love

Menopause can be a challenging phase of life, accompanied by bothersome symptoms such as weight gain. It’s important to engage in regular exercise, adhere to a healthy diet, and create space for self-care. Find activities that bring you joy and peace, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed.

Navigating Menopause with Equanimity

Dr. Christmas acknowledges that the transition to menopause can be frightening for some women, leading to feelings of sadness, irritability, anxiety, and decreased motivation. It’s essential to address these emotional aspects and seek support from mental health specialists if necessary.

By following these expert tips and embracing a holistic approach to health, women can navigate the years around menopause with equanimity. Remember, menopause is a natural phase of life, and with the right mindset and lifestyle choices, it can be a time of growth and self-discovery. Listen to the full episode of “Chasing Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta” for more insights on menopause and weight gain.


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