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Understanding Menopause: Advice for Women Over 50 on Dealing with Decreased Sexual Desire

Source: Still from the film

If after 50 years a woman loses the desire to have sex, the reason is considered to be menopause. Hot flashes, sleep problems, depression, lack of menstruation – all these signs indicate that menopause has arrived. When the ovaries stop working (and this is the organ responsible for producing estrogen), sexual desire decreases.

At this moment, problems may arise in your relationship with your partner. For several years, a woman may not want intimate intimacy or have sex “through force.” And not all men understand that it’s a matter of menopause. What to do in such a situation, is menopause really the reason for refusing sex? If you also need advice from women over 50, we have found solutions.

What problems can there be in your personal life?

If you don’t want to have sex with your partner, some men don’t look for the reason in the woman’s physiological state – they may think that this problem arose because of an affair. Scandals begin to arise, claims are made: after all, people have sex even at 60 years old.

It seems that the solution to the problem is a visit to a gynecologist: a specialist diagnoses that sexual rest has really occurred and prescribes medications for hot flashes. But there are situations when hormonal therapy is contraindicated and libido does not increase.

Council of Women over 50

What advice from women over 50 might work? Indeed, in such a state, a woman is ready to do anything to be left alone – constant hot flashes, fatigue and apathy are very difficult to bear.

Don’t try to fool nature

With the onset of menopause, libido actually decreases significantly. Yes, there is a percentage of women who experience this period easier: the desire to have sex decreases slightly, so their personal life remains normal. But such cases are in the minority. This is why some believe that marriages in which the husband is older are much happier than unions where the wife is older. There is no need to try to beat natural processes: your partner must understand that the problem is not in your attitude towards him.

Source: Still from the film

Be patient

The hormone testosterone is responsible for sexual desire. When estrogen ceases to restrain it, the concentration of testosterone in the body increases – therefore, the desire to have sex does not disappear.

Perhaps it is worth considering the issue not from a physiological, but from a psychological plane. Distrust of your partner, conflicts, inability to resolve issues that are important to you – all this also affects the level of intimacy and the desire to enter into an intimate relationship.

Focus on physical activity

If hormonal therapy is contraindicated, a situation may arise where no drugs help, but the condition remains the same. This is where physical activity comes to the rescue: some women go to the pool (this not only eases the overall emotional state, but also helps to lose weight and improve sleep).

Swimming is necessary intensively: in this case, the feeling of fatigue and apathy fades into the background, and libido may increase.

Look at the question from the other side

It is important to understand that you may not want to have sex with your partner not only at 50, but also at 35. And the problem here is not menopause, but your personal characteristics. We are all living people, and we may not want the same thing that our chosen one wants. Not everyone wants to artificially set themselves up for sex.

It is important to listen to your own desires and discuss them with your partner. And if your boyfriend or spouse refuses to listen, perhaps the problem is not in physiology, but in your relationship.

2023-12-25 11:16:04

#dont #sex #husband

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