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Understanding Lyme Disease: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

But what exactly are the symptoms of this disease?

Tick ​​season

Previously, there was a lot of talk about the ‘tick season’, which lasts from March to October, but nowadays the ticks are active almost all year round. This has everything to do with the warmer temperature, which means that the critters survive longer. When you go to the forest, the dunes, a heathland or a park, it is always advisable to check yourself for ticks afterwards.

Lyme disease

It is not the case that you always get Lyme disease from a tick bite. This only happens when the tick carries the pathogenic bacterium Borrelia and passes it on to you. The sooner you remove the tick, the smaller the chance that this disease will actually be transmitted. That is why it is so important to check your entire body for ticks.

On average, one in five ticks in the Netherlands carries the pathogenic bacteria, so quite a number! Fortunately, most people do not get sick from a tick bite. On average, the risk of Lyme disease after a tick bite is about two to three percent.

The first symptom of Lyme disease is a circle around the tick bite. But beware, because the symptoms that indicate that you are dealing with Lyme disease are different for everyone.

Circle or not?

The circle can arise after about three months, but it can also only arise after a year. In the case of such a circle, the chances are quite high that you are dealing with a tick that carried Lyme disease. But it may also be that there was no circle at all. These factors make recognizing Lyme disease so difficult.

A few days after a tick bite, you may suffer from some vague complaints such as suddenly feeling very tired, and flu-like symptoms such as muscle pain, headache and increase in temperature. Later, Lyme disease will be further in your body, causing other complaints. There is a whole list of complaints that can arise from this disease, but do not occur in all cases.

Red spots on your body Muscle pain Shooting pains, loss of strength or a tingling sensation in the arm, leg or trunk Headache Pain in the face Sudden double vision An eye infection Palpitations, dizziness, fainting or chest pain Joint problems

Not always treated well

The tricky thing about Lyme disease is that this disease is not always immediately recognized. Because the complaints are quite vague and can also be caused by something else, this disease is often not immediately treated properly. As a result, people can remain ill for years. In some cases it can even turn into a chronic disease.

Prevention is better than cure. Doctor Rutger explains how you can prevent a tick bite:

Bron: Healthline, Red Magazine, Drawing Radar, Thuisarts

22 July 2023

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2023-07-23 02:03:24
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