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Understanding Liver Health: Identifying Early Signs of Problems at Home

The liver performs a number of important functions in the human body. It is a biological filter that purifies the blood of toxins and harmful substances, and also participates in the metabolism of vitamins and microelements.

However, the use of junk food, medicines and alcoholic beverages can lead to diseases of this organ. How to identify problems at an early stage without the participation of a doctor?

Po words experts, several factors can signal problems with the liver. For example, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, loss of appetite, unexplained weakness, yellowing of the skin, lethargy, and pain in the right hypochondrium.

Doctors strongly recommend that you undergo an examination in order to obtain more detailed information. Don’t try to solve the problem yourself.

Earlier, gastroenterologist Nadezhda Vidyakina listed the most effective products for cleansing the liver after taking medications.

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2023-07-14 11:08:57

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