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Understanding Jeon Qingjo Incident: Urology Professor’s Perspective on Gender Identity and Hormones

Shim Bong-seok, professor of urology at Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital

Although we have lost interest due to the abundance of news during the year-end and holiday season, there are still many things we do not understand about the Jeon Qingjo incident. The issue of fraud or accomplice will be revealed in the investigation of the investigative agency, but we would like to resolve issues that the public may be curious about, such as the gender that changes at will, from a urological perspective.

The biggest question that remains unresolved is how much the victims knew about Jeon Cheong-jo’s sexual identity. It is said that Jeon Qingjo initially claimed to be a man, but later confessed that he was receiving injections of testosterone, a male hormone, in the process of becoming a man. However, from the time the photo was first released, many people’s reaction was that it was ‘feminine.’

Around the age of five or six, boys and girls begin to show differences in behavior and appearance. It is generally thought that testosterone makes boys masculine and girls lack testosterone and thus appear feminine. but Before puberty, both boys and girls have low blood testosterone, so the difference is not due to the direct influence of sex hormones.

Testosterone plays an important role in gender differentiation during the newborn period. It does not appear in girls Immediately after birth, testosterone levels rise briefly in male newborns, instilling the characteristics of ‘masculinity’ in the boys’ brains. Because of this memory, boys’ behavior differs from that of girls even before puberty, regardless of blood testosterone levels.

At puberty, the secretion of sex hormones increases in both boys and girls, and different physical characteristics appear for each gender. In men, the secretion of testosterone, a male hormone, increases from the testicles, which causes the voice to become deeper, muscles to develop, wider shoulders, beard growth, and an enlarged penis. In women, as the secretion of two types of female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, increases from the ovaries, mammary glands develop, breasts grow, and subcutaneous fat accumulates, resulting in enlarged buttocks. Also, menstruation begins due to the growth of the uterus and vagina. What everyone has in common is that hair starts to grow in the pubic area and armpits.

The expression of secondary sexual characteristics is not simply caused by sex hormones. Growth time and speed vary depending on factors such as genetic factors, nutritional status, health status, and environment.can fly In order to maintain femininity and masculinity after puberty, proper secretion of sex hormones is necessary. But after becoming an adult Even if male hormones are administered to women, they will not display male sexual characteristics. Masculinization does not appear clearly, such as enlargement of the clitoris, which corresponds to the male penis, or changes in body hair or voice.

Supplementing male hormones in menopausal men after the age of 40 improves sexual function and overall condition. It has a variety of effects, such as improving mood, motivation, cheerfulness, energy, and improved athletic ability. Although sexual function is only a part of it, testosterone performs important functions throughout the body. It does not have the same effect in women.

Menopausal men must take care of their health to ensure proper secretion of testosterone. Avoid overwork and get enough rest. As sound sleep is the most important factor in the secretion of sex hormones, you should sleep at least 6 hours a day in a bedroom that is not exposed to external light or noise. The best nutritional foods are meat, tofu, fresh vegetables, and fruits that are rich in protein and minerals.

Excessive drinking and smoking reduce the secretion of sex hormones from the testicles, so you should refrain from drinking and quit smoking. Exercising regularly relieves stress and promotes gonadotropins, which increases the secretion of sex hormones. If you overdo it, fatigue will build up and have the opposite effect, so it is best to exercise for about an hour a day, five times a week, and take a break about twice a week.

Following today’s content, let’s go into more detail in next week’s column.

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2024-01-24 01:14:05

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