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Understanding IVF: How In Vitro Fertilization Helps Couples with Infertility Issues

If you are ready to raise children ready to take care with love and care but due to the problem of infertility May be caused by heredity, congenital disease, physical health from the deterioration of older age. IVF treatment is one of the technologies that can help you get out of the problems you encounter. Today, let’s get to know about IVF.

Let’s get to know what IVF is in vitro fertilization.

IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization), or as you know it as ivf, is the most common medical use. In vitro fertilization was born using technology to help treat couples with infertility. By using the method of fertilization outside the body from the introduction of male-female germ cells, that is, bringing eggs and sperm together within a medical device Cultivating the embryos to grow until 5 days (Blastocyst). Medical professionals then bring the embryo cultured into the female body by implanting it in the uterine cavity. In order to incubate and enter the pregnancy process.

Are test tube babies dangerous? What are the chances of success?

chances of success in IVF It depends on the age of the woman. For example, if the woman is over 40 years old, the chances of the embryo being able to grow and survive There will be less than those younger than 40 years, including the availability of the body of the woman, such as the functioning of the ovaries. response to stimulation in ovulation which affects the strength of the embryo, etc. The success rate is approximately 60 – 70%.

Riskin making that IVF In most cases, it depends on the strength of the female body, including self-pressure until stress occurs. Affect until the abortion. or complications arising from the egg collection process Including twin pregnancy with hidden risk factors. Until leading to premature birth, it is possible.

What’s the difference between a gift and a glass tube?

Gift making (Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer: GIFT) is the introduction of technology that helps in fertility. which aspirates the stimulated egg from the ovary to be mixed with sperm that have been selected Then the sperm is injected into the fallopian tube. To induce natural fertilization, the embryo moves along the ovary tube. with implantation in the uterine cavity ready for the next pregnancy which making a gift has only a 20% chance of success, with the disadvantage being the patient’s abdominal dissection If this is unsuccessful, it will be necessary to perform a new dissection.

Currently, IVF is the most accepted treatment. By introducing technology that is more efficient than making a gift but due to the need for equipment and modern laboratories Therefore, there is a high cost followed by that.

Who is IVF suitable for?

Factors affecting women : Will occur in women aged 35 years and over who have abnormal conditions in the fallopian tubes that are blocked – narrowed, have abnormal ovulation periods also have endometrial hyperplasia or have a lot of fascia in the pelvic area Some people have genetic abnormalities that affect infertility and need to undergo ivf in vitro fertility treatment.



Factors that affect men : Most of the cases found are those who have problems with sperm quality. such as a small amount of sperm Sperm cannot move to fertilize the ovaries. Some of you are infertility for unknown reasons. Until having to just do that Iggy

At what stage should the embryo be transferred?

embryo transfer fromIVFDuring the blastocyst period (Blastocyst transfer)

Embryo transfer from IVF during the blastocyst period (Blastocyst transfer)

: At this stage, the embryo is cultured outside the body by allowing the embryo to grow to the implantation stage for 5 days after the fertilization (Blastocyst) and then put back into the uterus. for the embryo to implant Ready to get pregnant

Embryo transfer from IVF during day 3 after mixing ( day 3 transfer)

: It is a method for incubating embryos outside the body until the embryo divides into 6-8 cells, which takes about 3 days after fertilization. and then put back into the uterine cavity

Parents’ preparation before IVF

Code of conduct for women

  • physical examination to assess treatment along with checking the ovaries Assessment of the amount of estrogen hormone (Estrogen) during menstruation. To assess whether the ovaries respond well to stimulation. including ultrasound (Ultrasound) to examine the uterine cavity By endoscopic hysteroscopy for information in deciding on the best way to fertilize embryos with IVF methods.
  • get enough rest Avoid drinking tea, coffee, refraining from alcohol and smoking for at least 3 months before entering the IVF procedure. You should provide a history of drug allergies. congenital disease to the doctor who takes care of it before the procedure So that the doctor can consider the risks that may occur during the process itself.

Rules of conduct for men

  • able to exercise regularly without overdoing it Neither should wearing underwear that is too tight. Should refrain from ejaculating sperm 5-7 days before coming to see the doctor for in vitro fertilization Including refraining from taking a hot bath or sauna
  • Should keep the mind calm, not stressed and should refrain from drinking alcohol. Stop smoking for at least 3 months before receiving treatment.

How to do IVF

1. Consultation from a doctor who specializes in infertility

Your doctor in charge of IVF will recommend the procedure. Things to know to prepare Including careful attention to various risk factors of treatment. To be able to prepare – plan treatment for each individual You should consult before menstruation.

2. Start of egg stimulation

  • Take a blood test to look at hormone levels. in conjunction with ultrasound examination Along with injecting hormones, which are drugs that stimulate eggs during the 2nd – 3rd day of menstruation The injection must be self-administered regularly at the same time every day.
  • After the egg stimulation injection, the attending physician will make an appointment for an ultrasound examination. to see the growth of the eggs and blood tests to check hormone levels periodically
  • When the egg changes The treating physician will adjust the medication used to achieve the most effective results. It takes about 10-12 days only.

3. Egg collection process and sperm collection


  • After stimulating the eggs until they grow to the desired size.
  • The doctor will put general anesthesia. to relieve pain before oocyte collection
  • The attending physician will pierce the eggs from the ovaries. by using a needle to suck through the vagina It takes no more than 30 minutes.

male : The doctor will hurt the sperm. in order to select only the strongest sperm to be mixed with the eggs in the laboratory while watching the fertilization in the next step

4. During embryo culture

This step will be the responsibility of the patient’s cell care department as well. When fertilization occurs until it becomes an embryo The doctor will raise the embryo in the laboratory until it divides 6-8 cells and in the growth of the cells enters a healthy phase for 5 days (Blastocyst) and is ready for the next step.

5. Embryo transfer

This step is an important step. because the cultured embryo will be introduced into the body The doctor will discuss with the patient to select the strongest embryo. to move into the uterine cavity of the woman The doctor will transfer the embryo without surgery. which the male side can come and see at this stage

6. Pregnancy test after embryo transfer

The doctor in charge of the treatment will make an appointment to check hormones every 3 days if any hormones are decreased. The doctor will add Or adjust the drug to increase the hormone completely. You can find out the results of your pregnancy within 14 days after the embryo transfer.

Guidelines for taking care of yourself after IVF

Taking care of the body after IVF treatment You can practice yourself as follows.

  • After the embryo has been brought into the uterine cavity then Should rest in the treatment area for 2 hours to allow the body to adjust. Including allowing the doctor to observe the initial symptoms
  • Able to do activities that used to be able to do normally but must refrain from strenuous exercise Refrain from lifting heavy things. Refrain from eating foods that may cause diarrhea. abstain from sex Including the refrain from douching the vagina, etc.
  • If you have a fever You can take pain medication initially.
  • should do activities that are relaxing Avoid stress that affects hormones. If there are abnormal symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge You should hurry to see your doctor immediately.

Possible Complications of IVF

Complications that may occur after IVF are as follows:

  • abortion or infection
  • It may be a twin pregnancy. Because 1-3 embryos are inserted into the uterine cavity to increase the pregnancy rate.
  • The ovaries respond abnormally to hormones. from the stimulation of increasing the number of eggs until resulting in abdominal pain until there is a large amount of water in the abdominal cavity itself

Nowadays, the above mentioned complications are less common. Because before medical treatment, the care provider will find a way to assess the situation to prevent complications of IVF in each case. for proper treatment itself

The cost of IVF

The cost of IVF has a relatively high price The price for IVF starts from 200,000 – 500,000 baht, etc., which will be at the clinic where the treatment is received. Due to the necessary steps such as stimulation of the eggs. prevention of ovulation acceleration of egg maturation Ultrasound cost, infection collection – egg collection, etc. As you know, the price paid for in vitro fertilization is worth it for couples who are infertility itself.


IVF Can you choose gender?

At present, the IVF law in Thailand is still unable to select the sex of the child. But can check the chromosome strength of the embryo. From the doctor’s recommendation to select an embryo without abnormalities to be brought into the uterus.

How is in vitro fertilization (IVF) different from ICSI?

Making ICSI (ICSI, ICSI – Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is one of the steps in in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is a special technique by bringing the strongest sperm directly into the egg. This method is considered another IVF procedure as well.

Sterilization and IVF?

If the woman has had sterilization no matter what kind of binding or cutting You can be treated with IVF. because the treatment does not rely on the fallopian tubes or in the sterilized area without reducing the chances of success in any way


IVF You can do it with modern technology that results in the pregnancy that the infertile person wants. The steps in the treatment are therefore delicate. Therefore, before doing it, you should consult a specialist doctor to calculate the situation that may affect both you and the embryo that will be born in the future. Therefore, it is very important to study the information and the risks if choosing a clinic that does not meet the standard of treatment. We hope you will find happiness after undergoing IVF treatment.

2023-04-26 03:29:45

#Testtube #babies #alternative #infertility

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