Wednesday, 7 February 2024 – 02:14 WIB
VIVA Lifestyle – Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is no longer a health problem only associated with adults. Unfortunately, hypertension can also be experienced by children, which is known as Hypertension in Children (HTA). The incidence of HTA in children is increasing, with 15-19% among boys and 7-12% among girls.
The fact that needs to be considered is that if hypertension in children is not treated properly, it can persist into adulthood and cause serious complications, such as organ damage, stroke and heart failure. Therefore, early detection through regular blood pressure checks every year after the child turns three years old is very important. Scroll down to see the full article.
In Indonesia alone, the incidence of hypertension in children aged 6-18 years reaches 18.9%. This was conveyed by Dr. Dr. Heru Muryawan, Sp.A(K) who is a member of the IDAI Nephrology Coordination Work Unit (UKK) in a Media Seminar with the topic “Hypertension in Children”.
Hypertension Classification
Hypertension in children can be divided into two main classifications, namely primary hypertension and secondary hypertension. Here’s the explanation:
1. Primary Hypertension
Primary hypertension is caused by several multifactorial factors such as obesity, insulin resistance, activation of the sympathetic nervous system, genetic factors, and fetal programming.
2. Secondary Hypertension
Meanwhile, secondary hypertension appears as a result of other diseases such as kidney disorders, coartaxio aorta, renal parenchymal disease, systemic arteritis, tumors, endocrine dysfunction, and environmental influences or drugs.
Risk Factors that Cause Hypertension in Children (HTA)
There are several risk factors that can cause hypertension in children. Heredity, where there is a family history of hypertension, is one of the main factors. Apart from that, children who have congenital heart disease, lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of salt, fat and sugar, as well as children who are born with low weight but are overweight, are also at higher risk of developing hypertension.
Preventing hypertension in children can start with a healthy lifestyle, including sufficient physical activity, consuming balanced nutrition, and limiting consumption of salt, fat and sugar. It is important for parents to monitor their children’s health regularly and seek medical help if symptoms or risk of hypertension are found.
With early understanding and preventive measures, we can maintain the health of our children and prevent the risk of hypertension which can have serious consequences in adulthood.
2024-02-06 19:14:00
#Recognizing #Risk #Factors #Hypertension #Children