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Understanding HPV: Transmission, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Sosa explained that HPV is a virus that is transmitted mainly by skin-to-skin contact and it is estimated that around 80% of the world’s population, both men and women, have contact with some type of HPV virus at some point in their lives. sexual. However, what makes this virus particularly insidious is that it produces no symptoms in its early stages, making it difficult to detect.

Dr Sosa

Dr. Sosa explained that people can be carriers of HPV without presenting any visible symptoms for many years. The period from infection to the potential development of cancer is estimated to be approximately ten to 12 years, although this can vary depending on the individual’s predisposition and general health. Factors such as comorbidities or diseases that affect the immune system can significantly accelerate this process.

Likewise, he said that it is important to note that there are more than 100 types of HPV, but approximately 15 of them are considered high risk. Among the most dangerous types are types 16 and 18, which together account for approximately 85% of infections. HPV-16 is the most common, accounting for about 70% of infections, followed by HPV-18 with 15%. Other types of HPV can cause genital warts and have a lower risk of progressing to cancer.

Vaccine to prevent HPV

The best way to prevent infections and the development of HPV-related cancer is vaccination. In this sense, Sosa recalled that the vaccine against the virus is available for both girls and boys. This has resulted in 100% coverage, meaning that parents can take their children to the hospital at the ideal age, which is before they initiate sexual relations.

The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine exceeds 90%, which makes it a highly effective tool to prevent infection. Dr. Sosa emphasized that the vaccine is safe and that the only known contraindication is its administration during pregnancy, due to the lack of studies in this group of patients.

Even if a person has already initiated sexual intercourse, the vaccine is still effective and can provide significant protection. According to Dr. Sosa, it is preferable for people to develop antibodies before exposure to the virus, but the immune system can also generate antibodies in response to infection. Furthermore, it should be noted that most HPV infections are transient and resolve on their own in 90% of cases.

Sosa highlights the importance of educating the population about HPV and highlights that a positive result in an HPV test does not automatically imply the development of cancer. Patients who test positive for HPV often feel overwhelmed and fearful, mistakenly thinking they are on the path to cancer. The problem lies in the lack of information about the available detection methods.

Diagnoses and treatments

Until recently, the Pap smear was the most widely used test to detect HPV, but it had limitations. This test could only report whether there were already lesions caused by HPV, but did not indicate whether the person was a carrier of the virus. However, today, an HPV test has been introduced that is performed along with the Pap smear, and this test is more complete in terms of detection.

Dr. Sosa explains that this joint test allows us to know if HPV is present in the vagina, although it does not cover all of the more than one hundred types of existing viruses. However, it includes all those that have the potential to transform cells and cause injuries. These tests are available through the National Screening Program, aimed primarily at people over 30 years of age.

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The National Program does not offer HPV testing to people under 30 years of age because, as mentioned above, immunity is usually effective in young people, and most HPV infections are transient in this age group. However, those who wish to get tested for HPV can do so in the private sector, although the cost can be between 15 and 20,000 pesos.

The Pap smear, for its part, is a cheaper option, but its effectiveness in terms of diagnosing HPV is 60%. Combining this study with HPV testing significantly increases diagnostic accuracy to 90%. This means that, while the HPV test indicates whether you have the virus, the Pap smear detects possible lesions, which is crucial to intervene before cancer develops.

The main goal of these tests is to detect lesions before they progress to cancer, since precancerous lesions are usually asymptomatic. Many women may think they are fine and don’t need testing, but often when they finally seek medical care, it is because the disease has already progressed. Cancer, unlike previous injuries, can cause noticeable symptoms.

In this sense, Dr. Sosa emphasizes the obligation of gynecologists to screen the population and provide access to these tests. The National Program provides all the necessary elements to perform both the Pap smear and the HPV test, which guarantees that early detection is accessible to everyone.

Sosa emphasized that the HPV vaccine is a fundamental prevention measure, but it is crucial to understand that it is not a curative treatment, but rather aims to prevent infection and its possible consequences, such as pathologies caused by HPV.

“For many patients, it is a relief to see that, after receiving appropriate treatment, HPV tests come back negative, demonstrating the effectiveness of the treatment and the response of the immune system,” he said.

How HPV is transmitted

Regarding the transmission of HPV, it is important to highlight that both men and women can infect and become infected. Sosa stressed that HPV spreads mainly through skin-to-skin contact, and penetration is not necessary for transmission to occur. Practices such as oral sex or other forms of sexual contact can also lead to infection. Although the use of the preservative can reduce the risk by 70%, it does not offer 100% protection.

“Therefore, from the point of view of HPV detection, it is recommended that women over 30 years of age undergo a regular Pap smear and an HPV test, as indicated by the National Screening Program,” he said.

But what happens to young women who have not yet had any gynecological check-ups?

Dr. Sosa suggests that the first Pap smear be performed three years after initiating sexual relations. Although some suggestions suggest that it can begin at age 21, clinical experience has shown that there are cases of women who have developed pathologies shortly after beginning their sexual life, which reinforces the recommendation for earlier follow-up.

It is important to keep in mind that gynecological health monitoring is not limited to Pap smears. All women should have a breast ultrasound, and from the age of 40, a mammogram. In addition, examinations such as gynecological ultrasound, flow and exudate analysis, and other relevant controls should be carried out.

In the case of men, if any suspicious injury or symptom occurs, they should consult a urologist. Just as women undergo Pap smears and colposcopy, urologists can perform a proper evaluation, including performing a penisoscopy to detect possible lesions.

It is important to remember that HPV can lead to cancers in various parts of the body, such as the larynx, vagina, vulva, and affect the entire genital tract. Prevention and early detection are essential to reduce the risk and consequences of these diseases.


Once a patient arrives at the Cervix Unit, a colposcopy is performed, a procedure in which the cervical lesion is identified and a biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. Biopsy is essential, as it is the only definitive method to confirm the presence of cervical cancer. The results of the Pathological Anatomy are decisive in guiding the treatment.

«If a diagnosis of cervical cancer is confirmed, a series of extension studies are initiated to evaluate the stage of the disease. Additionally, a digital rectal examination is performed in the office to determine the stage of the cancer. This is essential, since cervical cancer is classified into different stages, which influences the choice of the appropriate treatment »he explained.

Dr. Sosa maintained that there are surgical treatments for cases of cancer in early stages, known as Wertheim surgery. However, in more advanced stages, oncology is resorted to and treatment is started that may include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, depending on the evaluation of the medical team.

Finally, Sosa emphasized the importance of regular gynecological check-ups, even for those women who have not yet started sexual relations. “These tests are essential for early detection, since HPV in its early stages does not generate obvious symptoms,” she said.

2023-09-19 00:59:11
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