Home » Health » Understanding HPV Transmission from Mother to Baby during Birth: Insights from Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Understanding HPV Transmission from Mother to Baby during Birth: Insights from Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology

KORAN GALA – Transmission of human papillomavirus (HPV) is not only through sexual contact but also from mother to baby during the birth process. This was conveyed by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. Keven Tali, Sp.OG.

“When a mother gives birth vaginally, the baby enters the vaginal canal, where in the vaginal canal or on the cervix or vulva there is a virus. When the baby passes through there, it (the virus) can be inhaled,” he said in Jakarta, recently.

Then, continued Keven, when the virus enters the baby’s body and the immune system cannot fight the virus, the virus will multiply and survive in the body.

This condition is called recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP), which is a chronic disease caused by HPV. Referring to the Cleveland Clinic, there are two types of HPV, namely HPV 6 and HPV 11, which cause RRP. These two types are the same ones that cause most cases of genital warts. HPV can also cause several types of cancer, including cervical cancer and laryngeal cancer.

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Apart from vaginal birth, RRP is also experienced by babies born via caesarean section.

So, in order to prevent the baby from being infected with HPV, does the mother’s birth canal or cervix need to be sterilized? Pediatrician Dr Kurniawan Satria Denta, M.Sc, Sp.A said there was no need.

“Because we need transmission of good bacteria from mother to baby, so that the digestion is good, the lungs are good. So if the mother is healthy, the majority of bacteria are transferred that are good for the baby’s health,” he said.

Both Keven and Denta added that HPV can be transferred or transmitted from one infected person to another through sexual contact, which can be genital to genital, manual to genital, for example hands or anything that touches another person, and oral to genital. Therefore, according to them, good sexual behavior determines a person’s avoidance of HPV infection. ***

2023-11-19 05:10:00
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