Doctor Riris Asti Respati, a skin and genital specialist, believes that hormonal problems can cause acne to appear in adulthood and generally occur in women.
“Because the logic is like this, if we are past adolescence, we are adults, we should no longer have acne. “If you still have acne, it’s probably hormonal acne,” he was quoted as saying Between, Sunday (17/12/2023).
Hormonal acne can occur in adult women, aged 25 to 30 years. Caused by imbalanced body hormones.
Hormonal imbalance may be related to the symptoms polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a disease when the ovum or egg cells in women do not develop normally due to hormonal imbalance.
There are many risk factors or triggers for PCOS in women, starting from unhealthy eating patterns. Such as consuming too much sweet food or drinks, to being overweight.
Apart from affecting hormones, Riris said that sweet foods and drinks are the main triggers that cause all types of acne.
Apart from acne, other symptoms of PCOS include irregular menstrual cycles, excessive facial or body hair growth, male pattern baldness, warts on the neck and armpits, weight gain around the stomach, and pelvic pain.
“If you still have acne as an adult, maybe you should try to check with a doctor for possible hormonal disorders because hormonal acne medication is different from regular acne,” added Riris, an alumnus of the University of Indonesia.
Considering that PCOS is also a metabolic disorder, many of its symptoms can be treated by making lifestyle changes. Diet and exercise are the keys to successful treatment and long-term health maintenance. (ant/and/saf/ham)
2023-12-17 15:00:03
#Hormonal #Problems #Acne #Adulthood