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Understanding Home Insurance: Coverage for Storm Damage and Natural Disasters

For damage in the garden of a house where we are tenants, should the owner’s insurance or ours be contacted?

In the event of damage to the garden, the tenant must report the incident to his insurer and notify the owner so that he can also make a declaration. Some repairs may be covered by the tenant’s insurance, but it is the owner who must carry out the repairs. To be sure, it is advisable to contact your insurer.

Can you receive compensation for the clearance and disposal of a large tree that has fallen in your garden?

Your contract may possibly provide for this option. Several insurance companies offer “climatic events” or “garden” guarantees.

Are tree falls covered by insurance and natural disaster recognition?

Yes. Your home contract must contain a storm guarantee which covers all damage caused by wind, in particular falling trees. In this case, it is not necessary to wait for recognition of the state of natural disaster.

Yes, the franchise remains. However, recognition of the state of natural disaster makes it possible to cap the amount of the deductible. It is a maximum of €380 for all homes and personal property. On average, it is €150 to €200. Please note, this excess applies for each damaged property: if your roof and furniture are affected, you must pay a maximum of €760 (€380 x 2).

After the storm, there was a thunderstorm, and the computer fried. Can my home insurance compensate me? Is the purchase invoice required?

If your computer was damaged during a disaster, linked to a storm or thunderstorm, your home insurance covers the damage. A purchase invoice is necessary to determine the amount of compensation that will be paid to you.

My secondary house would not have suffered any apparent exterior damage (according to my neighbors). Living in Lyon, I have no plans to go there this winter. If there are infiltrations despite everything, will I be covered by my insurance without a report made within one month?

As an owner, you are responsible for your property. You have been informed that there has been a storm. Therefore, the best advice is to contact your insurer quickly to ask the question. Theoretically, you have until December 1st to report a claim.

After 72 hours without power, I had to throw out much of the contents of my freezer. Can I get compensation?

A traditional home insurance contract rarely provides coverage for this type of loss, but certain optional guarantees exist. “Electrical damage insurance” covers all electrical damage to your household appliances (fridge, freezer, etc.). This guarantee may include loss of food. There is also the “household appliance guarantee” which covers various losses affecting your appliances and which can include stored food.

Will Enedis apply compensation for periods of five consecutive hours of power outage (up to 40 periods)? What is the scale for 1kva subscribed?

We asked Enedis the question, here is their answer: “If you remain without electricity beyond five hours, you systematically benefit from the payment of a lump sum of €2 excluding tax per kVA of subscribed power per five consecutive hours power outage (within the limit of 40 consecutive 5-hour periods). For example, with a subscribed power of 6 kVA, you may be compensated €12 excluding tax per 5 consecutive hours, with a limit of €480 excluding tax. This sum will be automatically paid by Enedis to your electricity supplier who will transfer it to your next energy bill. »

My garden shed collapsed. It is clearly mentioned in the contract. The insurance does not want to take this into account. Is this normal?

If your garden shed is clearly mentioned in your contract, the “storm” guarantee must cover damage linked to the passage of Ciaran.

My insurance company informs me that I will not be compensated for my gate and my garden shed, because I did not take out the “exterior fittings” guarantee option. If we go into a state of natural disaster, could I be compensated?

If these goods are not covered by the contract, they will not be compensated, whether under the “storm” guarantee or the “natural disaster” guarantee.

How soon will I be compensated?

After making your declaration to your insurer, they will make you a compensation offer. Once an agreement is reached, payment is generally made between ten and thirty days, but deadlines may vary. In the event of a natural disaster, the insurer has three months to compensate you.

2023-11-08 18:25:33
#Insurance #housing #car #answers #questions #passage #storm #Ciaran

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