Decreased immunity is frequently associated with the appearance of herpes. It is believed that most people are exposed to this virus during their lifetime.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “There are 8 types of viruses that cause different diseases, including skin diseases. If we refer to herpes as a disease, we have herpes simplex, the most common disease, which occurs at all ages, can evolve in different aspects, from latent to different skin manifestations”.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “Herpes simplex is a disease that can be caused by two types of viruses, type 1 and type 2. It is traditionally considered that type 1 produces skin manifestations at the level of the lips, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the perinasal area. And type 2 is considered a virus that affects the genital organs in particular”.
It is considered that type 1 is acquired since childhood, through direct contact with those close to you. Type 2 is basically associated with sexual transmission.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “There are two theories of transmission of the herpes virus. A static one, it is considered that the virus spreads in the external environment and is transmitted to those around by contact, when the carrier has active herpes lesions. And the second option is the dynamic hypothesis, which assumes that the virus propagates in the permanent environment, even when skin lesions are absent”.
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The main manifestation of herpes are vesicular-erythematous lesions, appearing in groups or clusters, which later turn into crusts or erosions.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “If it is herpes labialis, it usually appears at the level of the oral commissures. It can be on other areas of the lips, on the oral mucosa inside, perinasal. If we talk about genital herpes, traditionally on the genital organs”.
Although it seems to be a relatively mild infection, it can also generate complications. A rarer form, herpetic keratoconjunctivitis, can also lead to vision loss.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “When herpetic lesions appear in immunocompromised patients, these lesions are not limited to superficial erosions, they can lead to the appearance of ulcers, which have a very slow healing evolution”.
If you are facing herpes for the first time and do not know how to manage it, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “The majority of the population does not pay much attention to this phenomenon, because active episodes of herpes are short in duration, 5-7 days. It is treated with local treatment, some creams. We approach this problem a little more complexly. We recommend that the systemic treatment be administered, with antiviral preparations when it is the active phase. And at the same time, we recommend different treatment methods to patients that would raise the person’s immune profile and respectively reduce these active episodes”.
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Often, the diagnosis of herpes is established only on the basis of accusations and clinical examination.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “If we talk about the confirmation of the diagnosis of herpes, here we usually resort to direct tests, such as the polymerization chain reaction test, PCR, or indirectly by evaluating the titer of antibodies to these viruses.”
Direct prevention of herpes simplex infection is practically impossible. However, measures can be taken to reduce the frequency of herpetic lesions.
Vladislav GOGU, DERMATO-VENEREOLOGY DOCTOR: “We take into account the recommendations of the doctor who prescribes certain preparations that could raise the immune profile. On the other hand, a more traditional conduct, related to a healthy way of life, tempering, a healthy diet, which anyway improves the body’s immune profile”.
More than 3.7 billion people under the age of 50 are affected by herpes simplex type 1, while more than 536 million have type 2.
2023-11-25 08:37:26
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