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Understanding Graves Disease: Symptoms, Treatment, and Management Options

Graves disease, also called Bassedow-Graves disease, is an autoimmune disorder of the endocrine system. Basically, the immune system secretes antibodies that stimulate the thyroid, which in turn produces large and unjustified amounts of thyroid hormones. In these conditions, hyperthyroidism occurs, which is characterized by agitation, palpitations, nervousness, frequent mood swings, sudden weight loss. But the main sign by which the disease can be characterized is exophthalmia, in popular language called – bulging eyes. When the thyroid gland is overstimulated by antibodies: The symptoms you must pay attention to In these conditions, hyperthyroidism occurs which is characterized by a state of agitation, palpitations , nervousness, frequent mood swings, sudden weight loss, sleep disturbances. But the main sign by which the disease can be characterized is Graves’ ophthalmopathy, it is present in over 40% of patients. This occurs because the immune system affects the muscles and tissues around the eyes. Thus, the effect of “bubbly” eyes appears. Also, the patient has sensitivity to light, double vision and has a feeling of sand in the eyes. Statistical data show that this disease usually affects young women, under 40 years old. The disease can have various degrees of severity, with barely perceptible exophthalmia, with a modest increase in thyroid volume or with barely sketched signs of hyperthyroidism. The disease is not curable, at least not currently. The purpose of the treatment is to keep the function of the thyroid gland under control and the aim is to improve the symptoms. The patient will be prescribed antithyroid drugs. It is possible to be prescribed beta-blockers by the specialist doctor because they have the role of improving or even fading the symptoms of arrhythmia, palpitations, sweating, muscle weakness. Radioactive iodine therapy is one of the main methods of treatment. The radioactive iodine reaches the thyroid and destroys the hyperactive cells, which explains why the thyroid gland shrinks in weight and the symptoms gradually disappear. Unfortunately, however, they can return in 2-3 years. In the last resort, the doctor can also make the decision to operate on part of the thyroid gland, according to doctorulzilei.ro, quoted by exquis.ro.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-11-26 23:17:33
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