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Understanding Gastroenteritis: Symptoms, Types, and Prevention

Stomach flu is a common term, but did you know that stomach flu is also a type of gastroenteritis?Explanation, the statement of stomach flu is an explanation derived by doctors to explain the condition to patients, but in fact it is viral gastroenteritis. If you want to prevent gastroenteritis, you must first understand the classification, symptoms and modes of infection of gastroenteritis, and then understand what food to eat for gastroenteritis, and the virus of viral gastroenteritis, as well as master the care of acute gastroenteritis, and stay away from gastroenteritis. troubled.

Stomach flu is also gastroenteritis! A look at the symptoms, types and modes of infection of gastroenteritis (Photo/Getty Images)

The origin of stomach flu

Dr. Huang Yuning explained that stomach flu is actually viral gastroenteritis. At first, the term stomach flu was used to make it easier for the public to understand viral gastroenteritis. In fact, the symptoms of stomach flu have nothing to do with common colds, but the two are viral infections. way similar. Because viruses will choose their favorite environment, such as influenza virus will stay in the nose and throat to cause infection, while rotavirus and norovirus will choose to stay in the stomach and cause gastrointestinal infection, but the nature of symptoms and treatment methods are still different.

symptoms of gastroenteritis

Dr. Huang Yuning mentioned that there are two types of gastroenteritis, one is viral gastroenteritis and the other is bacterial gastroenteritis.

1. Viral gastroenteritis

Dr. Huang Yuning explained that viral gastroenteritis refers to gastrointestinal infection with rotavirus and norovirus, causing nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and difficulty in eating and drinking. Continue, and cause fever, diarrhea.

2. Bacterial gastroenteritis

It shows that the main cause of bacterial gastroenteritis is eating food contaminated by bacteria, leading to infection with pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella, which in turn causes symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and fever. The severity of symptoms will be affected by age, health status, type of bacteria, and the amount of pollutants ingested. Severe cases can lead to death.

Is gastroenteritis contagious?

Dr. Huang Yuning explained that viral gastroenteritis is transmitted from person to person, mainly through the fecal-oral route. Therefore, when contacting and caring for patients with gastroenteritis, you should pay attention to washing your hands and avoid eating the same food, so as to help prevent Infection of viral gastroenteritis.

What can gastroenteritis eat?

Reminder, when you get gastroenteritis, although you often have abdominal pain and vomiting, you still need to pay attention to replenishing water and nutrition, and replenishing electrolytes in a timely manner. In addition, the diet should be as light as possible, and you can eat small meals frequently, and avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods to stimulate gastrointestinal motility, so that abdominal pain and diarrhea will not be exacerbated.

How long does it take for gastroenteritis to heal?

The Ministry of Health and Welfare pointed out that the symptoms of viral gastroenteritis often last for 1 to 10 days, and the length of the course depends on the type of virus and personal immunity. Bacterial gastroenteritis also lasts 1 to 2 days, and may last 7 to 10 days in severe cases.

How to prevent gastroenteritis?

Advocate that the prevention of gastroenteritis should start with personal hygiene and food hygiene. In terms of hygiene, such as going to the toilet, washing hands frequently after contact with patients, using soap and hand sanitizer correctly, and wearing masks to prevent droplet infection. In terms of diet, vegetables and fruits should be washed, meat and seafood should be cooked before eating, and at the same time, avoid sharing tableware to help prevent gastroenteritis.

viral gastroenteritis virus

Dr. Huang Yuning pointed out that there are four common viruses in viral gastroenteritis, namely rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus 40 and 41. Of the four viruses, only rotavirus has a vaccine, which can help relieve symptoms when you get rotavirus gastroenteritis. If you get severe gastroenteritis, it is usually caused by norovirus, and you can only rely on your own resistance to fight the virus until the course of the disease is over.

Treatment of acute gastroenteritis

It is pointed out that the treatment of acute gastroenteritis focuses on care and prevention of dehydration caused by diarrhea. When staying in the hospital for care, treatment will be given by intravenous drip, and food and water will be prohibited during the period. It is recommended to fast for 4 to 6 hours for home care, and take a light diet, such as porridge with salt, diluted milk, diluted electrolyte water, etc., and eat small meals frequently. If you have symptoms such as dehydration, fever, and bloody stools after returning home, you should return to the doctor immediately.

further reading

Responsible editor / Liang Yuyao

2023-05-02 10:22:22

#Stomach #flu #gastroenteritisSymptoms #types #modes #infection #gastroenteritis

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