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Understanding Folic Acid: Intake, Benefits, and Contraindications

How to behave in the case of folic acid, what are the possible contraindications that could arise regarding its intake.

Folic acid (Ricettasprint.it)

Folic acid is recommended in many situations. For example, pregnant women cannot help but take it, first of all on the recommendation of their gynecologist. This substance can be classified with vitamin B9 and there are official findings that link its intake with a greater production of the hunger hormone and ghrelin, which is the hormone to which body weight is linked.

And folic acid can be taken as a supplement. However, in this specific form it can cause two side effects, confirmed by other specific studies. This involves a decrease in the body’s natural production of insulin and a simultaneous increase in the sense of hunger. All of this obviously happens if folic acid is taken in high quantities.

Folic acid, the things you need to know

Folic acid (Ricettasprint.it)

Fortunately, the situations in which all this could happen are quite rare. Precisely, we would need hypervitaminosis, that is an extremely excessive assimilation of vitamins to have the effects described. It must be said that when it comes to taking vitamins, supplements and the like, it is always a good idea to seek advice from a medical expert or specialist in the relevant field.

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Established cases in which folic acid is important are those involving high levels of homocysteine ​​and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), an exclusively female condition. In general, one should always proceed with moderation, always taking care not to exaggerate in one direction or the other.

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Always be careful

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To give a trivial example, let’s take fruit as a reference. It is essential as part of a correct diet. Every day we should eat fruit for our well-being, because it contains vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants and much more. But if we eat too much fruit we will have a sense of fullness and stomach discomfort as a side effect. This is to demonstrate that even what is good for you, in the wrong quantities, can ultimately end up being bad for you. And the same goes for vitamins.

2023-11-12 21:00:05
#folic #acid #affect #appetite #weight #RicettaSprint.it

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