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Understanding Different Types of Brain Stroke: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

08:12 PM

Wednesday 03 May 2023

Books – Muhammad Amin:

The artist, Ahmed Ibrahim, was severely ill during the past few hours, as a result of a stroke, after which he was transferred to a hospital to receive the necessary treatment.

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In this regard, Dr. Ahmed Salah Kamel, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at Kasr Al-Ainy Faculty of Medicine, said that there are two types of brain stroke, namely:

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Ischemic stroke.

Hemorrhagic stroke.

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Kamel added that ischemic brain stroke is the most common type around the world, explaining that it results from a decrease or cessation of the flow of oxygen-laden blood to the brain.

He explained that the lack of blood supply to the brain occurs due to problems in the arteries supplying the brain, preventing oxygenated blood from flowing smoothly inside them, and these include:

Arterial narrowing.

– Arteriosclerosis.

– Dilation of the arteries.

Birth defects in the arteries.

He continued, “When the brain does not get enough blood and oxygen, some of its cells may atrophy, which threatens the patient with very serious complications.”

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While a hemorrhagic stroke, Kamel indicated that it occurs due to leakage or rupture in the blood vessels in the brain, warning against excessive liquidity medication, because it is one of the factors leading to stroke.

According to him, a stroke can be detected through the following symptoms:

Difficulty controlling facial muscles.

– Inability to pronounce.

Double or blurred vision.


Hearing problems.

Difficulty moving.

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Kamel recommended going to the nearest hospital as soon as the previous symptoms appeared, because the patient’s access to the required care in the first 4-6 hours increases the chances of recovery.

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He stressed that the treatment of a brain stroke consists in dissolving it, by taking blood thinners, but taking into account adherence to the dose prescribed by the doctor, because too much of it has adverse effects.

To prevent a stroke, he stressed the need to follow a set of guidelines, the most important of which are:

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Control blood sugar.

Control of blood pressure.

Follow a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Avoid fatty foods, such as fried foods, to prevent high levels of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

– Quit Smoking.

– Exercising on a daily basis.

2023-05-03 17:27:59

#Ahmed #Ibrahim #suffered #brain #stroke #doctor #explains #symptoms #treatment

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