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Understanding Depression: A Clear Diagnosis for a Complex Disease

Published on: Friday, September 22, 2023 – 7:45 PM | Last updated: Friday, September 22, 2023 – 7:45 p.m

Depression: A name that is often confused in people’s minds, even though science sets clear, specific criteria for it that lead to its diagnosis as a disease no different from diseases known to humans, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Depression sets up its delicate web, similar to a web of spider webs, for a person to fall into, unaware that its effect reaches every cell, starting from the brain tissue to the tips of the fingers.
Depression has symptoms and repercussions that a person should not confuse with depressive feelings that coincide with a person’s mood swings or when he is exposed to emotional shocks, such as losing a person he loves, losing hope in his life’s project, or perhaps being exposed to a harsh life situation. Depressive feelings vary in severity and effects, but they dissipate as the event dissipates, and a psychologist can treat them with simple means, perhaps relying on cognitive therapy without using medications to help a person get rid of them.
The most important thing in diagnosing depression is diligence in describing the person’s condition away from any other influences that may lead to a wrong diagnosis that results in wrong treatment. This increases the complexity of the matter and puts the person and his doctor in a vicious circle of repercussions that undoubtedly prolong the suffering and increase its complexity.
A person may become depressed as a result of being afflicted with a chronic organic disease. He may also be afflicted with an organic disease whose symptoms appear similar to depression, which in fact can be confused between them. Therefore, the doctor must rule out the presence of these diseases by diligently using various diagnostic methods to confirm the diagnosis.
Among the diseases that give symptoms similar to depression but do not actually express its presence:
< كسل الغدة الدرقية: تلك الغدة الصغيرة التى تقع فى مقدمة الرقبة وتلعب الهرمونات التى تفرزها دورا هاما فى وظائف الجسم المختلفة ويفيد العلم أن ستين بالمائة تقريبا من المصابين بكسل الغدة الدرقية لا يشعرون به ولا ينتبهون إليه. انخفاض نسبة إفراز هورمونات الغدة الدرقية يعرض الإنسان للكثير من اضطرابات الصحة النفسية مثل المشاعر الاكتئابية والقلق إلى جانب العديد من الأعراض الأخرى العضوية.
These symptoms that can be diagnosed as depression if they are accompanied by constipation, dryness, hair loss, hoarseness, muscle stiffness, and a constant feeling of cold: We draw attention to the necessity of measuring the level of thyroid hormones because they are often a result of their decline, and treatment restores things to normal without the need to use antidepressants. .
< فقر الدم والتعب المزمن: الأنيميا أحد الأسباب الهامة التى قد تؤثر فى أداء الإنسان وحالته المزاجية نتيجة لنقص الأكسجين الذى يحمله الدم لكل أعضاء الجسم ومنها الأعضاء بالغة الأهمية للحالة النفسية مثل الدماغ والعضلات أيضا لمناطق الحواس مثل العين والأذن. التعب المزمن متلازمة مجهدة للإنسان الذى يعانى من مستويات متدنية من الطاقة تشعره بالاكتئاب وإن كانت ليست سببا فيه. ما زالت غير معروفة الأسباب وإن كان ممن السهل توصيفها ويعانى منها الكثيرون.
< نقص فيتامين (د): يلعب فيتامين (د) أدوارا بالغة الأهمية فى بناء العظام وامتصاص الكالسيوم وضبط توازن معدن الفوسفات فى الجسم كما أنه عنصر هام مضاد للالتهاب وواق للخلايا العصبية ومنشط لجهاز المناعة لذا فإن نقصه يظهر فى صور متعددة منها الاكتئاب.
Adequate doses of vitamin D along with exposure to sunlight produce a rapid effect in treating occasional depression resulting from vitamin D deficiency.
Despite the huge amount of information that science provides about depression, there are many questions that need satisfactory answers about depression as a disease or as a symptom. However, correct reading and information provided by reliable scientific sources give us a good opportunity to distinguish between symptoms and their connection, which indicates the importance of proper diagnosis of this modern disease: Depression.

2023-09-22 16:48:32

#Mental #health #Depression.. #illness #symptom #Laila #Ibrahim #Shalabi

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