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Understanding Cultural Lag and the Impact of New Technology on Indonesian Society

January 5, 2024 10:08 PM |

Updated: January 5, 2024 22:12

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Sosbud. Illustration source: KOMPAS.com/Pesona Indonesia

Along with the development of new technology brought by globalization and developments over time, this has resulted in the emergence of a new culture that has entered society. Most people are still not ready for the new cultural pluralization, one of which is society in Indonesia. From these emerging problems, the term cultural lag emerged, which is an assumption that the development of a culture requires a longer time to adapt to new technological innovations. According to Ogburn, William (1922) cultural lag or what is usually called cultural delay is a phenomenon that generally occurs due to the tendency of material culture to develop and change rapidly, while non-material culture tends to resist change and chooses to survive for a longer period of time. . William F. Ogburn (1922) stated that non-material culture will not be exactly synchronized with changes in material culture, so this will trigger a delay or cultural lag. If someone fails to adapt to rapid technological changes, there will be a lag or cultural gap, this can occur because the nature of technology will determine the development of intercultural values ​​and social structures, meaning that technology has an independent effect on society at large.

According to the theory of cultural lag discovered by William F. Ogburn (1922), he stated that cultural lag is a stage that occurs shortly after non-material culture struggles to adapt to new material conditions. Cultural lag can occur when there is a change that occurs in society when non-material culture cannot keep up with material culture. From this theory, culture in Indonesia is in accordance with the dynamics explained by Ogburn regarding case studies of many people who still cannot accept the new culture that has entered Indonesia. In this era of rapid progress, there are still many people who cannot accept the birth of new cultures, because not all new cultures that invade can be accepted by the majority of society, therefore they still need time to adapt to these new conditions. Non-material society cannot yet accept the presence of this new culture due to the lack of insight and low thinking power of the community regarding the existence of the new culture, therefore it will be difficult for them to understand this development. The high heterogeneity of a society towards new cultural changes causes some societies to accept them quickly, while others are slow to adapt to existing cultural changes.

This statement has resulted in some people still closing themselves off from their surroundings or even preferring not to be the center of attention by following trends that are happening in society. The simple impact that occurs from this attitude makes them less aware of the latest information about life that is happening in the world or just in the environment around them, so this is the root of cultural lag or being left behind in a culture. The influx of new culture has had a significant impact on Indonesian society, such as the advancement of the economy, industry developing rapidly, the creation of political stability, the birth of a modern lifestyle, and the sophistication of new technology. New technologies have brought major advances in the field of communications, such as the Internet and social media. The emergence of new technology can change the way people interact and receive information, or even work needs. For example, urban communities experience quite a big impact on their lives. The presence of new technology can make it easier for them to interact with each other, and even make it easier for workers in urban areas to carry out all activities in various aspects, including in the corporate or office industry. This is where technology plays an important role in making it easier for office workers to communicate with each other from one office to another. However, in more remote areas, the development of new technology needs to take longer. For them it will be very difficult to access some of the existing technological advances. This statement triggers a lag in society, so they need to adapt to a longer time span.

Like it or not, new technological innovations will always exist and we as a society inevitably have to be able to adapt to the existing culture. We as a society must be able to understand the implications and impact of the presence of a new culture in our environment, this is necessary because it does not create a gap or lag between technology adoption and understanding of the new culture. Cultural lag can be considered an important ethical issue, because failure of social consensus regarding the inappropriate use of new technologies can lead to the breakdown of social solidarity and even trigger a social conflict. Starting from the problems that emerged in Indonesia regarding the unpreparedness for the new cultural pluralization that entered Indonesian society, Durkheim offered the theory of solidarity as a solution to the problem of pluralism. For Durkheim, the theory of organic solidarity is the answer to the case above. Organic solidarity is the birth of differences that occur along with the development of society, usually organic solidarity occurs in urban areas where everyone has various jobs with different responsibilities and needs. The more diverse the division of labor, the higher the level of interdependence.

A society characterized by organic solidarity is a society that survives together, but there are differences within it. Every individual in society certainly has different jobs or tasks, and these differences create attachment to one another. Therefore, anticipatory efforts to overcome cultural lag are very necessary so that society can adapt more effectively to social change and to reduce the imbalance between aspects of social change that emerge in the new culture. In accordance with the explanation of this theory, the solution provided by Emile Durkheim regarding the case above, namely that non-material society is expected to increase mutual tolerance for needs and cooperation between groups that have different views, values ​​and interests. Non-material people who have not yet been able to accept the presence of new cultural pluralization in Indonesia are expected to become intellectually aware of the presence of this culture so as not to trigger a closure of themselves from the surrounding environment, resulting in their attitudes being a lack of the latest information and being left behind by culture. We cannot avoid the presence of pluralism in a society, because the influence of cultural pluralism cannot be controlled in any way. This is in line with the theory of organic solidarity explained by Emile Durkheim.

2024-01-05 15:08:38
#Unpreparedness #Cultural #Pluralization #Indonesian #Society #Kompasiana.com #Kompasiana.com

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