Jakarta – Surely you are familiar with concrete? Concrete is a building material that is often used for construction, the basis for fences/gates, and cement in bricks or walls.
Because by using concrete the building becomes stronger. So, for those of you who want to use concrete as a basic material for your house. You can read this article until the end to understand what concrete is, its types, functions and prices.
What is Concrete?
Reporting from Dexton, Tuesday (14/11/2023), concrete is a composite building material made from a combination of cement as a binding material. Concrete has sturdy properties but has a smooth texture and a flat surface. The cost of making concrete construction is much cheaper than iron and steel construction.
Concrete Function
After knowing what concrete is, now there are several functions of concrete that you need to know as reported by Betoncor, here is the review.
Building structure: Concrete can be used to build building structures such as walls, floors and columns. Concrete is renowned for the strength and stability necessary to ensure buildings can last for long periods of time.Roads and bridges: Concrete is also used in the construction of roads and bridges. Strong and durable concrete is essential to ensure the safety of road and bridge users.Waterways: Concrete is often used to build water channels and drainage channels. Concrete that is waterproof and resistant to corrosion is very important in ensuring water channels can function properly.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete
The following is excess concretethat is:
Easy to shape according to construction needs Sturdy and smooth surface Resistant to high temperatures Low maintenance costs
Whereas lack of concrete is:
The shape that has been created is difficult to change without damage. Concrete that wants to be destroyed is expensive. It has a large sound-reflecting power, so the building can resonate slightly.
Types of Concrete
Launching from Klopmart, Tuesday (11/14/2023), here are the types of concrete you need to know.
1. Beton Non-Pasir
As the name suggests, non-sand concrete, the manufacturing process does not use sand at all. Just gravel, cement, and water. This causes the formation of air-filled cavities in the gravel gaps so that the total specific gravity is lower.
2. Lightweight Concrete
The light weight is caused by air bubbles in the concrete mixture. The large number of air bubbles that occur causes the volume of the mixture to become larger while the weight is lighter than other concrete with the same volume. Lightweight concrete is usually used for non-structural walls.
3. Void Concrete
This type of concrete is widely used for the construction of tall buildings, because it has quite high strength. This is caused by the process of sucking out the water to dilute the concrete mix with a vacuum tool so that the mix only contains water that has been mixed with cement.
4. Fiber Concrete
Fiber concrete is made by adding certain fibers to the concrete mixture, such as asbestos, plastic, steel wire, and so on. With the addition of fiber, the resulting concrete has a high ductility value so it does not crack easily.
5. Concrete Mortar
Mortar concrete consists of mortar, sand and water. There are three types of mortar that are often used, including cement, lime and mud.
6. Mass Concrete
Mass concrete is a very large concrete pour above the average requirement. Generally, mass concrete has dimensions measuring more than 60 cm.
7. Reinforced Concrete
Reinforced concrete is concrete mixed with steel reinforcement. The addition of steel reinforcement will increase the strength of tensile forces and also the ductility of the building structure.
8. Prestressed Concrete
Prestressed concrete is reinforced concrete whose steel reinforcement is pre-tensioned before being cast, so that it is strong enough to support structures over wide spans.
9. Precast Concrete
Precast concrete is concrete that is cast separately outside the work area. This is usually done because of limited land in the work area and also for practical reasons. Building work can be shortened so that it is more effective and efficient.
10. Concrete Cyclops
This type of concrete uses large aggregate additives (around 15 to 20 cm) in the concrete mixture. This is to increase the durability of concrete for use in building construction that comes into contact with water, such as bridges and dams.
Concrete Prices
Before you buy concrete, it’s a good idea to know the price. This aims to enable you to calculate the required budget. The following are concrete prices quoted from Sejasa,
6 mm PULLED Concrete Iron with size 5.8 mm around Rp. 26,500 8 SRB SNI Concrete Iron with size 7.1 mm around Rp. 38,000 10 SRB SNI Concrete Iron with size 9.1 mm around Rp. 57,600 12 SRB SNI Concrete Iron with size 11 .2 mm around Rp. 81,600 D 13 SRB SNI Concrete Iron with a size of 12.2 mm around Rp. 154,300 D 16 SRB SNI Concrete Iron with a size of 15.2 mm around Rp. 154,400 BJKU 10 SPI concrete with a size of 8.7 mm is around Rp. 53,000 D 13 IBD SNI concrete iron (threaded) with a size of 12.8 mm is around Rp. 113,000 D 16 IBD SNI concrete iron (threaded) with a size of 15.8 mm is around Rp. 167,000 Iron Concrete D 19 IBD SNI (Threaded) with size 18.8 mm around Rp. 222,000 Iron Concrete 16 TJ SNI (Plain) with size 15.5 mm around Rp. 153,000
That’s the meaning of concrete, its functions, pluses and minuses, types, and prices. Hope it is useful!
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2023-11-14 06:49:14
#Definition #Concrete #Functions #Pluses #Minuses #Types #Prices