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Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis

The kind of lethargic, extreme fatigue that leaves you drained to the bone could be caused by something called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is the label used to describe a complex syndrome that causes extreme, disabling, and long-term fatigue and exhaustion. Most people affected by ME/CFS also experience one or more symptoms additional symptoms such as muscle pain, joint pain, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating and/or headaches. In severe cases, you may present all of these.

What are the causes of ME/CFS and how is it diagnosed?

As with most syndromes, there is no blood test available to make a definitive diagnosis, and there is currently no known cause.

There are pressure point tests you can do to assess your pain that provide a rough standard of measurement. If a certain number of pain points react, it can be assumed that you suffer from ME/CFS, accordingly yourtango.com

The medical community in Europe understands that the cause is a painful swelling of the brain and spinal cord (which is basically what the Latin words “myalgic encephalomyelitis” mean). Again, however, this is just another way of describing a set of symptoms rather than identifying a cause.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tends to be the go-to diagnosis when you suffer from chronic debilitating pain and exhaustion, but everything else has been tried and nothing comes up. Many doctors seem to think of it as an umbrella diagnosis that covers a variety of diseases and problems that all result in the same set of symptoms. There is considerable variety in the types and severity of symptoms that leave one with an overwhelming sense of constant fatigue. Essentially, this syndrome is only diagnosed by ruling out any other known possibility. So when does feeling perpetually tired cross the line of being explained by feeling overwhelmed, overwhelmed, and near exhaustion?

The signs that show you have chronic fatigue syndrome

Here are some symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue to watch for if you are extremely exhausted and constantly asking yourself, “Why am I always so tired?”.

1. It is very different from everyday fatigue (like after a week of work)

  • It is not alleviated much by rest.
    It is not due to or similar to fatigue from overexertion.
    It is not due to muscle weakness.
    It is not a loss of motivation or pleasure that occurs in people who are depressed.

2. There is a sudden onset

That feeling of getting the flu, but it never goes away. There are cases where it develops more slowly, but the sudden onset is a big red flag. This is one of the big reasons why many believe there is a viral component.

3. There is a dull aching pain in the muscles and joints

A dull, aching pain in muscles or joints that does not go away and does not respond to anything is another sign of chronic fatigue syndrome. This can develop into chronic headaches that are not migraines. The pain is often thought to be in the fascia, but it moves around a lot and doesn’t seem to be related to muscle use.

4. You experience post-activity sickness

This means you manage to do something, but the next day you can barely function. It may take a few days to return to steady state. Exercising makes all symptoms worse.

5. You are mentally exhausted

Not only do your muscles feel tired, but your brain feels like it just can’t turn on. Many report that it is different from brain fog or anxiety. It just seems like the brain is too tired to work.

6. Your thinking skills deteriorate

Poor concentration, poor short-term memory, reduced attention span, poor memory of recent events, difficulty planning or organizing thoughts, difficulty finding the right words to say, and sometimes feeling disoriented. Often these abilities present a very different picture than the patient’s functional capacity before the onset.

7. You feel exhausted but can’t sleep

You lie in bed and the pain keeps you awake. It’s like you don’t have the energy to fall asleep. When you do manage to fall asleep, you feel like you can’t wake up. Many suffer from disturbed sleep patterns. Sleep problems are a result and not a cause of CFS/ME.

8. You have a recurring sore throat

This will often be accompanied by tenderness in nearby lymph glands. The sore throat seems cyclical rather than simply getting another virus.

2024-01-29 20:33:12
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