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Understanding Celestial Bodies, From the Sun to the Stars

photo/2022/04/21/planet-tata-suryajpg-20220421110623.jpg?resize=360%2C240&ssl=1" alt="Planet dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu planet dalam dan planet luar"/>

Planets are divided into two types, namely inner planets and outer planets (macrovector/freepik)

Bobo.id – What celestial bodies do you know?

There are many celestial bodies in space. There are small, medium, to large. In fact, there are things that can be seen by our eyes, without the aid of a telescope.


The sun is the center of the solar system and is the brightest object in our solar system.

The sun has a temperature of about 6,000 degrees Celsius.

The source of the sun’s energy comes from the fusion reactions that occur in the sun’s core. This fusion reaction is the incorporation of hydrogen atoms into helium. The fusion reaction will produce enormous energy.

The sun is composed of various gases, including hydrogen, helium, oxygen and other gases.


The word planet comes from the Greek, ie the planet. The word means wanderer.

The reason for naming these celestial bodies is the position of the planets which are not fixed (evolving around the Sun).

Planets are celestial bodies that do not have their own light. Planets are celestial bodies that have a shape like a sphere.

Also Read: What are the Differences in the Characteristics of an Inferior Planet and a Superior Planet?

Planets are divided into two, namely the inner planets and outer planets. The inner and outer planets are separated by the asteroid belt.

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