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Understanding Car Insurance: No Right of Withdrawal and How to Choose the Best Policy

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According to the consumer code, every consumer has a right of withdrawal of 14 days when concluding a contract. Unfortunately, unless you have been canvassed, this withdrawal period does not exist in assurance auto. Better to be sure of your choice! How can you be sure that your contract will suit you? In which cases can you terminate it early? We explain to you.

No right of withdrawal in car insurance

According to the Insurance Code, taking out car insurance does not entitle you to a 14-day withdrawal period.

By taking out an auto insurance policy, you will be hired for 1 year. You will be able terminate your contract only from the first anniversary of your subscription.

However, certain exceptional cases allow to take advantage of early terminationif you meet certain conditions.

In what situations can I request an early termination?

Some exceptions allow you to ask your insurer for early termination of your car insurance contract. This is the case if:

  • You have subscribed to your contract following a canvassing (by phone, internet, mail or email). In this case, you get a 14 day cooling off period ;
  • Your contract includes a early termination clause ;
  • Your contract is not not yet entered into force ;
  • YOU sell your car ;
  • Your vehicle is destroyed.

How to choose the best car insurance for you?

Best auto insurance ranking 2022 auto insurers subscribe

In order to don’t get stuck with an unsuitable contract to your needs, better choose your car insurance wisely. For this, it is important to take the time to carefully study the available offers.

Assess your needs carefully

The best way to have a suitable contract that you won’t want to terminate is to understand your needs.

What will your budget be? Is your vehicle recent enough to be fully insured? Will you be the only driver? Will it be parked safely? All these elements must be taken into account in order toassess what level of protection you will need.

Get multiple quotes

Ask for several auto insurance quote will allow you to compare different offersand choose the one that best suits your situation and the use you will make of your vehicle.

Use an insurance comparator

Comparing several car insurance quotes can be complicated, since not all insurers offer the same guarantees.

With a car insurance comparator, you will be able to compare the different auto insurance formulas availableand thus be certain of find the most appropriate insurance at the best price!

In addition, the car insurance simulator LeLynx.fr allows you to take out your car insurance policy directly online !

2023-08-03 01:34:26
#Compare #car #insurance #retract #LeLynx.fr

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