Bronchitis is an infection that occurs in the lungs and respiratory system of children, usually under two years of age. This infection can be caused by different viruses, such as influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus or metapneumovirus, although the most common is usually the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).
These infections can occur throughout the year, although they are more common in the coldest months (between November and April). The way it is transmitted is similar to that of a cold. It is produced through close contact with saliva or mucus. The germs are transmitted when an infected person sneezes, coughs or laughs. Also, when you touch an object on which germs have landed, such as tissues or toys.
A cold that can get complicated
The incubation period is usually about seven days, and usually begins with the symptoms of a common cold (some cough, runny nose and congestion, and sometimes fever). In the most favorable ones, the disease disappears between the seventh and twelfth day. However, in the worst cases the illness usually worsens after the third day, and can last for weeks.
When this happens, children cough more, breathe more quickly and with difficulty. Also, as a result of the inflammation of the bronchi, a whistling or deeper sound may occur when breathing.
If vomiting, fluid retention, if you become very tired or stop eating, if you are more sleepy than usual or if changes in skin color occur, you should contact a doctor.
As treatment, the only measures that have been considered effective are supportive ones. Antipyretics to reduce fever, hydration and nasal washes. The use of a humidifier may also be useful.
Similarly, the majority of autonomous communities in Spain have recently approved the use of a drug for children under six months of age to combat the disease. Specifically, Beyfortus (nirsevimab) is an injectable monoclonal antibody with which the baby obtains immune protection for five months.
2023-10-23 10:43:16
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