Brain cancer is one of the forms of cancer that is perhaps least known to people, also because fortunately it is considered a rare event.
Brain tumors that start from other organs are usually more frequent; in this case the “fault” is of the metastases. It may happen, however, that the neoplasm forms spontaneously, especially for genetic factors.
Both the brain and its functioning are still the subject of extensive study and research. For example, let’s think about the fact that for forms of dementia or Alzheimer’s no cures have yet been found definitive. Or how difficult it is to diagnose a psychiatric illness and consequently treat it better.
With regard to brain tumorsscientists have identified them different types, as the uncontrolled production of “crazy” cells can affect and damage different areas, triggering highly variable symptoms and health effects.
As a publication that appeared on the ISS website reminds us, in fact, tumor forms can involve any part of the brain or cerebellum, but also the nervous system or meninges.
Are there categories more at risk of developing a brain tumor?
As mentioned above, the incidence of brain tumors is relatively low: according to ISS data, we are in the order of1.6% of all cancers. In 2020, however, around 6,000 new cases were diagnosed.
In general, there are no people more subject or at risk, except for genetic predisposition or for exposure to dangerous agents such as radiationthe. As regards the theories on the possible risks deriving from the use of the mobile phone or from exposure to electromagnetic fields, no casual connections have been found.
What are the symptoms of brain cancer?
The manifestations of damage from a brain tumor, as mentioned, are quite varied and obviously depend on which area of the organ has been affected.

However, scientists help us to understand better what could happenso that with a timely diagnosis they are obtained greater chances of survival. As of today, there is a 25% chance of living up to 5 years after onset.
Some symptoms, however, are common in nearly all types of brain cancer; the first of all is a type of different headache by phenomenon and frequency compared to other episodes that may have occurred.
The headache becomes so strong which also often causes nausea, vomiting episodes and even vision problems (double vision, in one eye or blurred in both eyes).
Moving on to the parts of the body, depending on the affected area they can manifest deficits in feeling in the limbs or in the ability to move in a coordinated way; one of the symptoms that often occurs is the sudden loss of speech or the ability to formulate sensible speeches; there is no shortage of manifestations of sudden change in personality.
In some cases, if the tumor affects the hypothalamus, the subject, in addition to experiencing emotional disturbances, feels a deviated perception of hot/cold.
Experts then remind that if the injured part of the brain is the right, the symptoms will manifest themselves on the left, and vice versa. In children, the tumor can lead to stunted growth.
As the tumor expands, since it has little room to spread, it begins to compress the brain, and causes very strong headaches, incurable with the classic therapies. Epileptic seizures can also occur.
What are the current treatments for brain tumor?
At the moment i the most effective treatments are surgical oneswhich remove the tumor mass. However, there is no shortage of alternatives, which are chosen on the basis of the patient’s situation. Let’s talk about chemotherapy or of radiotherapy, radiosurgery o proton therapy; in the latter case protons are used instead of photons, as happens with radiotherapy.
(the information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, they do not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)
2023-06-12 04:48:39
#Brain #tumor #watch #symptoms #manifests