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Understanding Atoms and Examples According to Experts, What are the Models?

The definition of an atom and an example is a unit of matter. Atom becomes an important discussion when talking about the world science.

Atomic names may also no longer be a foreign thing to the ear. Because, discussions about these atoms are even already everywhere.

If discussing about universe or astronomy nor is it separated from what is called the atomic element. So, what exactly is an atom? and how about an example?

Understanding the Definition of Atoms and Examples

As previously mentioned, the atom is a basic unit of matter. The atomic nucleus consists of positive and neutral charges.

The positive charge on the nucleus of an atom is called the proton and the neutral charge is the neutron. All atomic nuclei have these two charges except for the Hydrogen-1 atom. The Hydrogen-1 atom still contains protons but no neutrons.

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The term atom itself comes from the Greek word atomos which means indivisible or indivisible. The average atomic size is 6 to 30 nm in diameter.

Atoms will stick together because of the electromagnetic force. After joining, the atoms become a molecule.

In addition to the general understanding, some experts have also explained the meaning of an atom. Here is the explanation:

  1. Leucippus and Democritus

These two scientists define the atom as the smallest part of a matter. Because it is so small, eventually the atom can not be divided into one more part.

They also argue that atoms are the building blocks of all matter in this world.

  1. John Dalton

The definition of atoms and examples according to John Dalton is not too different from Leucippus and Democritus. According to Dalton, an atom is the smallest particle in matter.

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Dalton also argued that atoms could not be further divided into other smaller parts through ordinary chemical reactions.

  1. Joseph John Thomson

JJ Thomson has a slightly different opinion about the meaning of the atom. According to Thomson, the atom is a sphere that has a positive charge with electrons around it.

Thomson described the atom-electron relationship as raisin bread.

  1. Ernest Rutherford

Rutherford argued that an atom was a particle made up of protons and neutrons. He added that electrons also surround the atom.

Examples of Atoms

After delving into the meaning of atoms in general and the opinions of experts, you may already have an idea of ​​the examples of atoms.

Actually, the definition of atoms and examples you can find in the periodic table. Here is the list:

  1. Hydrogen with the symbol H
  2. The symbol for sodium is Na
  3. Lithium with the symbol Li
  4. Rubidium with the symbol Rb
  5. Calcium with the symbol Ca
  6. Potassium with the symbol K
  7. Beryllium with the symbol Be
  8. Boron with the symbol B
  9. Carbon with the symbol C
  10. Strontium bearing the symbol Sr
  11. Aluminum with the symbol Al
  12. Lead with the symbol Pb
  13. Phosphorus with the symbol P
  14. The symbol for nitrogen is N .
  15. Tin with the symbol Sn
  16. Silicon bearing the symbol Si
  17. Sulfur with the symbol S
  18. Chlorine with the symbol Cl
  19. Oxygen with the symbol O
  20. Fluorine with the symbol F

Various Atomic Models

In addition to the definition of atoms and examples, you should also know some atomic models.

  1. Model Atom Dalton

It can be said that Dalton’s atomic model is the simplest. John Dalton was the scientist who introduced this model.

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According to Dalton’s model, an atom is a solid ball that has no charge and can be further divided.

  1. Model Atom Thomson

As the name suggests, this second model was put forward by JJ Thomson. Thomson’s atomic model is similar to the shape of a raisin rose.

That’s because the atom is a solid sphere with a positive charge and electrons in it. This model also says that the atom’s positive and negative charges are equal.

  1. Model Atom Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford put forward his atomic model in 1911. The atom in this model has a positively charged nucleus in the electrons that surround it.

The atomic mass will be concentrated in the nucleus and most of the volume of the atom is a vacuum.

  1. Model Atom Bohr

In Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford’s atomic model, the atom consists of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons. Furthermore, there are neutrons orbiting around the atom known as atomic shells.

That is the notion of atoms and examples in general. There are also models from experts who have contributed to the discovery of the atom itself. (R10 / HR-Online / Editor-Ndu)

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