TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Angina pectoris or commonly known as sitting wind occurs due to disruption of blood flow to the heart muscle, causing chest pain. These symptoms include signs of a heart problem. When it appears, your chest will feel squeezed pain due to blocked blood vessels. In more detail, the flow of oxygen-rich blood needed by your heart muscles is not properly supplied.
However, for some people, the symptoms of wind sitting will be felt like indigestion. Some unhealthy lifestyles will usually cause a pile of fat and cholesterol. If you have this, it’s not just a potential attack of sitting wind that you can experience, but various aches in the body will also occur.
What Are the Symptoms of Sitting Wind?
As already mentioned at the beginning of the description of this sitting wind. For the most part, the sitting wind attacks through the feeling of chest pain that is so great. Other symptoms can come in droves. Here’s what you should watch out for.
Fatigue Nausea Dizziness Shortness of breath Profuse sweating Pain or tenderness in some part of the body such as the arm, neck, jaw, shoulder or back
Types of Wind and Symptoms Experienced
Sitting wind also has its types. This will affect the severity of symptoms and diseases that need to be watched out for.
1. Microvascular Sitting Wind
Microvascular sitting wind or microvascular angina often complained by women. Usually, angina is caused by excessive stress. Unlike normal angina, it is predicted that plaque deposits will accumulate in the heart area, but microvascular angina is a danger sign for coronary artery disease.
This is also evidenced by the presence of damage to the smallest branches of your coronary arteries. Symptoms of serious microvascular angina will then be more severe if you have a history of diabetes or hypertension. How will you feel when you experience this? Fatigue and shortness of breath are the main signs. If not cured immediately, it can cause the risk of heart disease.
2. Stable Sitting Wind
Stable winds (angina pektoris) including sitting wind which is commonly complained of. The main cause of angina is more on the body’s lack of rest to sleep. For this reason, you are not advised to work hard for more than 9 hours per day.
Various symptoms angina pektoris different levels of severity and duration. However, in general, the symptoms will be more sensitive when you are in cold weather to activities that expend a lot of energy such as walking uphill and climbing stairs.
3. Unstable Sitting Wind
The wind sits unstable (unstable angina) is rarely complained of, but it can be more dangerous than other angina when your coronary artery disease ruptures due to unstable angina In this way, blood vessels will automatically be completely blocked. This is due to the formation of blood clots over the diseased plaques. Called more dangerous because unstable angina can attack without warning, especially when he’s fast asleep. Treatment, too, must be handled by a doctor immediately.
4. Wind Sitting Variant
You can also call the wind sitting variant by the term angina prinzmetal. The symptoms are quite dangerous, such as appearing suddenly when you are resting. Then, the pain in the chest does not go away. If you already have a diagnosis of angina from a doctor, then it’s enough to take medicine from him. Don’t forget to take the drug with you when you travel.
2023-07-03 03:09:51
#Medical #Term #Sitting #Wind #engteco_style #Tempo.co