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Understanding and Treating Kidney Stones: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

KOMPAS.com – Kidney stones are one of the health problems in the kidneys. In the kidney of the sufferer there are deposits of salt, minerals, and waste products of the body’s metabolism. The level of hardness of kidney stones varies.

Usually, stones form when urine becomes concentrated so that minerals and other metabolic wastes stick together. The accumulation of these substances and minerals forms a solid crystal in the kidney organ.

As is known, kidney stones are one of a series of diseases that are often experienced by people in the country. These health problems can occur in all parts of the urinary tract, from the kidneys to the bladder.

In general, kidney stones do not cause symptoms. Exceptions, if the stone moves in the kidney or shifts into one of the ureters, namely the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder.

When a kidney stone gets stuck in the ureter, the flow of urine will be blocked causing contraction of the ureter. As a result, the kidneys also swell. This condition causes intermittent pain in the back waist. In fact, sometimes it can radiate to the lower abdomen and groin.

Not only that, other complaints that often arise are pain or burning when urinating, changes in urine color, and increased frequency of urination.

As for urinating, the location and intensity of the pain you feel can change if the stone moves along the urinary tract.

Urology Specialist at Mayapada Hospital, South Jakarta, dr Firdianto SpU said, there are several risk factors for the formation of kidney stones. This can be known from the type of stone in the kidney.

“You have to be alert if you feel a very intense pain intensity accompanied by complaints of nausea and vomiting or fever, there is blood in the urine, and it is difficult to urinate. If you feel these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor to get medical help, said Dr. Firdianto in a press release received by Kompas.com, Thursday (20/7/2023).

Furthermore, Dr. Firdianto explained, to find out the type of kidney stone, there are a number of steps that can be taken. One of them, through blood, urine, imaging with ultrasonography (USG), X-rays, and CT-Scan.

In addition, an analysis of kidney stones that come out of the urinary tract can also be carried out. At least, there are four types of kidney stones that need to be known.

First, calcium stones. These stones are the most common type of kidney stones, especially in the form of calcium oxalate.

“Oxalate is a substance that is made in the liver or absorbed from food that is consumed daily. Factors of food waste that the body doesn’t need, excess vitamin D, and several metabolic disorders can increase calcium levels in the urine, “he explained.

Second, struvite stones, which are stones that are formed as a result of a urinary tract infection. To note, struvite is a mineral produced by bacteria in the urinary tract.

This type of kidney stone can grow quickly so that it has the potential to cause blockages in the kidneys, ureters or bladder.

Third, uric acid stones. This type of stone occurs in people who have high uric acid levels in the blood, lose a lot of fluids due to diarrhea or disturbances in fluid absorption, high protein diets, and some metabolic disorders.

Several genetic factors can also increase the risk of uric acid stones.

“Fourth, cystine stones. These stones are usually found in someone who has a congenital disorder or is called cystinuria. Cystinuria is a condition in which the kidneys get rid of too much of the amino acid cysteine ​​in the body and accumulates in the urine,” said Dr. Firdianto.

Treatment of kidney stones

According to Dr. Firdianto, kidney stone treatment can be done depending on the type and size of the stone.

In small kidney stones, for example, it can be overcome simply by consuming water and drugs to relieve pain as well as relax the urinary tract muscles. This method is considered effective in helping kidney stones pass on their own through the urinary tract.

“Regarding kidney stones that are quite large and cannot go out on their own, medical therapy is needed. For example, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy, or Lithotripsy Ureteronoscopy to destroy and remove kidney stones,” said Dr. Firdianto.

Doctor Firdianto explained, ESWL is a non-surgical kidney stone therapy performed by using sound waves to crush stones into small pieces.

Meanwhile, Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy is a surgical procedure with a small incision in the waist.

“Ureterorenoscopy Lithotripsy is a medical procedure to remove kidney stones using an endoscope inserted through the urinary tract,” he explained.

For information, you can find the three methods of treatment above at Tahir Uro-Nephrology Center Mayapada Hospital.

The Tahir Uro-Nephrology Center provides integrated and comprehensive services for everyone who has kidney and urinary tract disorders, from early detection, diagnosis, treatment, to therapy.

For more information regarding Tahir Uro-Nephrology Center at Mayapada Hospital, call the Mayapada Hospital call center at number 150770.

2023-07-21 01:00:00
#Kidney #Stones #Due #Lack #Drinking #Find #Kompas.com

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