- Paty Cantú reported that she had impostor syndrome due to Mario Sandoval’s negative comments.
Recently, Paty Cantu He opened up and revealed that, for a long time, he had been dealing with impostor syndrome, as a consequence of all the psychological abuse from Mario Sandovalhis former partner in the duet Lu.
For this reason, we explain what this condition is and how to treat it, in case you detect someone close to you who suffers from it or, even, if you think you have it yourself.
According to several specialized medical sites, impostor syndrome is “a feeling of insecurity related to work achievements”that is, you think you are “cheating” others with successes.
Even the one who has it can come to think that the rest of the people are lying to him when they make a positive comment about his work and that makes him feel “like a fraud” for everyone.
Impostor syndrome makes you feel like “a fraud” in front of other people / Pixabay
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There are various factors that lead to this condition, although the most common is having had a childhood where your parents or guardians demanded more of you and/or criticized you for everything, which causes low self-esteem.
In the case of Paty Cantu, the trigger for his illness were the constant negative remarks from Mario Sandoval: “I kept, in my mind, the voice of this person (Mario Sandoval) telling me ‘you can’t, you’re not, you don’t deserve it, at any moment they’re going to realize you don’t deserve it,'” he recently stated.

Paty Cantú dealt with this disease for many years, due to the psychological abuse of Mario Sandoval / Facebook: Paty Cantú
How to detect impostor syndrome?
In addition to the guilt for believing that you are “lying” to everyone about your success, other symptoms of impostor syndrome are: Inability to enjoy your achievementsconstant feeling that you could have done a better job, anxiety, exaggerated self-criticism.
It is important to treat this condition, because the feeling of guilt can become so great that the person is more prone to developing physical health problems, as well as trying to end his life.
Treatment for impostor syndrome
It is best to go to a specialist, since he is the only one indicated to give adequate treatment, in case the impostor syndrome is detected.
Although there are also some recommendations to combat the disease, such as: Receiving compliments in a good way, thinking realistically about your work achievements, validating your emotions, among others.
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2023-05-25 04:08:36
#Impostor #syndrome #explain #disorder #Paty #Cantú #experienced #leaving