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Understanding and Treating Facial Asymmetry: Expert Advice from Hidoc

Most people have ‘facial asymmetry’ where the left and right sides of the face are slightly different. In most cases, there is no major problem, but if the difference between the left and right side is severe, causes complications, or causes physical discomfort such as snoring or temporomandibular disorders, may require correction. We spoke to Hidoc experts to find out what causes facial asymmetry and how it can be treated.

Q. Why does facial asymmetry occur?
The causes of facial asymmetry can be divided into congenital and acquired factors. △ Cases where bones grow excessively or underdeveloped on one side due to genetic factors △ Failure of bones to form and grow in the fetus due to drug use, alcohol consumption, disease, etc. during pregnancy △ Abnormal nerve control and bone growth due to congenital diseases such as polio Growth, etc., are congenital factors. Among the factors found are △ chin rest position △ the habit of chewing food on one side △ differences in the development of muscles or bones on the left and right sides of the face due to trauma, etc. In rare cases, facial asymmetry can occur due to hemifacial dwarfism or Romberg’s disease.
– Hidoc Plastic Surgery Consultant Doctor Jeongsoo Lee (Yobom Plastic Surgery Clinic)
Q. What problems are caused by facial asymmetry?
Facial asymmetry can cause snoring, sleep apnea, rhinitis, etc., and in severe cases, it can even cause problems with brain function. In addition, facial asymmetry can cause deformation of the temporomandibular joint, causing pain and a ‘popping’ sound from the temporomandibular joint This can also lead to poor chewing habits on one side. On the other hand, if temporomandibular joint disorder persists, it can also cause facial asymmetry.
– Hidoc Plastic Surgery Consultant Doctor Inmo Yoon (Unimedi Plastic Surgery Clinic)

Q. Can a bad condition be attributed to unfitness of face?
Unless there are special conditions such as deformity or trauma, facial asymmetry is not caused by body position. On the other hand, if you have a habit of bending your head or neck due to facial asymmetry, it could cause scoliosis or disc problems.
– Hidoc Dental Consultant Doctor Lee Sang-yoon (Oral and Facial Surgery Dental Clinic)

Q. Can facial asymmetry be corrected with a face lift?
Depending on the cause of facial asymmetry, some people with facial asymmetry may benefit from stretching to activate and balance facial muscles.

1. Lip stretching: Open your mouth wide and repeat the movement of pulling your lips to the left and then to the right.
2. Eyelid exercise: Open your eyes wide, hold for 5 seconds, then close and repeat.
3. Exercise the corner of the mouth: Repeat the movement of pulling the corner of your mouth to the left and then to the right.
4. Chin exercise: Move your chin to the left and repeat the movement to the right.
– Hidoc exercise consultant exercise expert Joohee Hong

Q. I want to correct facial asymmetry even through surgery. How do I get surgery?
When treating facial asymmetry, △ single jaw surgery is performed when the lower jaw is tilted to one side △ double jaw surgery is performed when the occlusion is on both sides of the face mislabeled or distorted △ facial contouring surgery to refine the shape of the spine . In addition, in cases of facial asymmetry due to muscle development, surgery is performed to remove the muscles.

After surgery, it is important that the temporomandibular joint adapts well to the jaw adjustment position so that it can be fixed stably. To do this, it is important to do ‘intermaxillary fixation’ for one month after the surgery, when the bones start to connect, and to use appropriate joints. If intermaxillary fixation is not done simply for postoperative convenience, recovery may be easy. In particular, in cases of facial asymmetry, the two jaw joints are often asymmetric, so intermaxillary position is more important to change the joint of the jaw permanently.
– Hidoc Dental Consultant Doctor Lee Sang-yoon (Oral and Facial Surgery Dental Clinic)

* This article is a reconstructed answer from a Hidoc expert.

Help = Hidoc consultant Dr. Jeongsoo Lee (plastic surgery specialist at Yubom Plastic Surgery Clinic), Hidoc consultant doctor Dr. Inmo Yoon (plastic surgery specialist at Unimedi Plastic Surgery Clinic), Hidoc consultant doctor Dr. Lee Sang-yoon (dental specialist at Face Design Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dental Clinic) ), exercise consultation Hidoc Hong Joo-hee (exercise specialist)

Sejin Ahn, Hidoc Health and Medical Reporter [email protected]

The first step to good health – Hi Doc (www.hidoc.co.kr)
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2024-04-17 12:00:00

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