Bone pain is a common medical condition that prompts patients to visit the orthopedic doctor’s office. If for patients this is a worrisome situation, for the specialist these things are common and have medical explanations, but also treatments that easily, easily extinguish the discomfort if they are correctly respected.
“Studies have shown that changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity aggravate the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, back pain, but also head, teeth or jaw pain. Although the mechanism is not known with certainty, scientists have linked these problems to the drop in atmospheric pressure before a storm, and this affects the pressure inside the joints,” explains Dr. Tarek Nazer, a surgeon specializing in Orthopedics and Traumatology.
Joint pains can also occur in the context of rheumatic diseases, as they are activated by high humidity and cold. The pains can set in before going out in the cold, respectively with the oscillation of the atmospheric pressure. They may be accompanied by swelling or redness of the joint, as well as loss of mobility of that joint.
“Any pain that occurs should send you to the doctor, and the clinical examination should cover the whole body and not just a minor part of it. Joint pain occurs in joint injuries, but also in autoimmune diseases, gout or infections,” continues Dr. Tarek Nazer.
To reduce discomfort and improve the patient’s health, the orthopedic specialist comes up with specific solutions. “There are a number of measures that we can take, measures that I will talk about next,” concludes the orthopedic surgeon.
– Pain relief is the solution during weather changes; some people with arthritis will need to increase their medication; the treatment usually involves anti-inflammatory medication which in the long term has unfavorable side effects;
– Appropriate clothing;
– Maintaining an optimal temperature in the home or car to help relieve pain related to cold weather;
– Warm applications on painful joints, because they help to relax the muscles and remove the pain;
– Movement is vital for the joints, before going out in cold temperatures you can do warm-up exercises with the joints that are painful to loosen the stiffness;
– Improving mood;
– Adequate hydration, consumption of at least two liters of liquids per day;
– Avoiding smoking;
– Avoid coffee, alcohol and energy drinks.
Physiotherapy and physical therapy are, without a doubt, solutions with quick results that will surely improve your state of health. A correct physiotherapy program, carried out in the presence of a specialist, can significantly reduce pain.
“Symptoms specific to arthrosis or degenerative rheumatism, those annoying pains, will be relieved with the help of physiotherapy. What’s more, physiotherapy even manages to stop the evolution of the disease!”, explains the specialist.
Infiltrations also help relieve pain and reduce inflammation, and this claim is supported by thorough clinical trials and treatment protocols applied over the years that have been completed with exceptional results.
“The mechanism of action includes reducing the inflammatory reaction by limiting capillary dilation and the permeability of vascular structures. These compounds limit the accumulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages and reduce the release of vasoactive kinins. They also inhibit the release of destructive enzymes that attack and destroy normal tissue. In addition, new research suggests that they can inhibit the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids, thus reducing the formation of prostaglandins, which contribute to the inflammatory process,” explains the orthopedic surgeon.
After applying the treatment, the infiltrations need at least 24 hours to work.
“Between these two intervals the patient may experience an intensification of pain, but that usually succumbs to anti-inflammatory and simple analgesics. The effect of the treatment begins to be seen after a few days and may even last for a few months. The number of infiltrations you can receive in a year, in general, is determined by the specialist depending on the pathology and the patient’s medical history,” concludes Dr. Tarek Nazer, Primary Physician Orthopedics, Traumatology and Sports Medicine.
2023-12-21 10:24:09
#bones #hurt #winter #treat #pains