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Understanding and Preventing Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Key Facts and Latest Developments

Respiratory syncytial virus is a disease seasonal that attacks the entire populationbut the children and adults greater can be seen affected in a more severe way.

“It affects certain groups of the population more severely, and that includes small children, not especially those under 2 years of age, or more severely in those under 1 year of age, and the other population spectrum, those over 60 years of age, and of any age to patients with low defenses or certain diseases.”. Dr. Irma Hoyo / Infectologist

Despite being a disease that becomes complicated in a low percentage of patientsyes it causes hospitalizations and pneumonia in certain population groups.

“Many become infected, few become complicated and few are hospitalized. Certainly, it is one of the viruses that causes respiratory infection that they tell you is a cold. Finally, one, for example, due to the flu, does not get hospitalized. They are due to other viruses that are not the common cold. “These are viruses like influenza, which are one of the viruses that have the greatest capacity to cause serious illness.”. Dr. Irma Hoyo / Infectologist

What is the respiratory syncytial virus vaccine like?

Mexico, present in vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus. Photos: Getty Images

Like all seasonal respiratory diseases, the most important thing is to have a diagnosis early of respiratory syncytial virus to avoid complications.

Although no specific antiviral treatmentas in the case of the influenza virus, this year the vaccine against this virus in the United States and other countries on the planet. Besides, the Dr. Hoyo and Mexican researchers participated in the development of this important vaccine.

“Fortunately, in May of this year the FDA approved GSK’s vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus. This is a very large, multicenter study, in which various continents participate, including Mexico. In general, I think it is very important that the Mexican population be evaluated or included in a vaccine protocol.”

Dr. Irma Hoyo / Infectologist

Still there is no arrival date to Mexico of the vaccine, but the studies demonstrated which has an effectiveness of more than 80% in patients to those who the biological was applied.

“This study had almost 25 thousand participants, half received the vaccine, the other half received placebo, and the efficacy (sic) of those who received the vaccine was assessed to determine its effectiveness in not developing lower respiratory tract infection. respiratory syncytial virus. The efficacy was quite good around 80 to 90% in different groups of the population. “This is a vaccine that, as I told you, we still do not know its arrival date in Mexico, but the prelude to this is that it is already approved in the United States by the FDA and also in Europe by the European Medicines Agency.”. Dr. Irma Hoyo / Infectologist

However, this vaccine so far it only requires the single dose application.

“One dose is enough. It is true that this study was carried out over several years. It is not yet active. It is still active and one dose was seen to be adequate for prevention. And that subsequent doses did not increase protection. So, at the moment, we know that it is a single dose.”

Dr. Irma Hoyo / Infectologist

As in other seasonal respiratory diseases, such as the case of COVID and the influenzathere is also diagnostic tests to detect the respiratory syncytial virus in patients.

“They are basically the same tests as, on the one hand, molecular biology medicine tests, which are tests in which the genetic material of viruses is measured. Not the COVID PCR, which we are all now familiar with, or the rapid test, like the one for COVID, influenza or respiratory syncytial. So, we basically have the same diagnostic strategies of rapid tests and PCR, not for the virus, which are the ones that give the diagnosis or confirm the diagnosis.”. Dr. Irma Hoyo / Infectologist

To avoid the infection It is important to follow the recommendations of the frequent hand washingavoid contact with respiratory secretions of other people, use the face maskand isolate ourselves if we have respiratory infection symptomsa.

2023-12-18 23:50:20
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