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Understanding and Overcoming the Feeling of Guilt in Free Time: A Comprehensive Guide

Publish websiteYashantiA report in which he talked about the feeling of guilt that some people feel in their free time. Many people feel guilty when they spend their time without doing any useful activities or accomplishments. How can this feeling be understood and dealt with correctly?

The website said, in the report translated by “Arabi 21,” that the pace of life has become faster than ever before, and the issue of using time has become increasingly important. Sometimes planning things to do may require more energy to actually do them, which makes us, at the end of the day, lost among unfinished business. Moreover, as a result of the fast pace in which we live, we may feel bad even during the time we spend in an enjoyable meeting with… With friends, or in a sporting activity, while the work to be done piles up on the sidelines, the idea of ​​spending time on leisure activities can make us feel guilty.

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The site explained that when the balance between work and rest is disturbed, we may feel more tired and the efficiency of our work may decrease, but allocating sufficient time for rest and the activities that we enjoy, in addition to the work that must be done, helps us gather the energy and motivation necessary to continue working, and the ability Creating a balance in time means that our lives are not subject to long to-do lists; Which contributes to our self-awareness and self-esteem.

Why can we ignore comfort?

The site reported that resting or doing something we enjoy, such as lying on the couch and doing nothing, or taking care of the flowers on the balcony, may sometimes seem like a “waste of time” to us, when we feel that we do not have enough time in the face of the pace of life. As mentioned above, we may think that we are using our time ineffectively in leisure activities and feel anxious.

The site added that the cultural desire to work may be another factor that fuels this anxiety, and we often receive advice on how to do more work in a short period of time, and while being busy or working long hours at work is considered an indicator that you are doing “important” work; Taking time for oneself can be viewed as an “escape from responsibility” by the social environment, and in this sense, tackling tasks that must be done without rest is seen as an expression of strength and endurance; The opposite can be interpreted as “laziness” or “weakness.”

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The site continued by saying that comparing the successes of others, especially on social media, can also reinforce our concerns about the use of time; As we see other people’s posts reflecting the positive aspects of their lives and showing off awards they’ve received, schools they’ve graduated from, or new projects, we may think we’re not able to use our time productively, and we may feel pressured because we need to work harder to fill the gap we see as obvious.

The website pointed out that despite the different reasons, cognitive dissonance may occur between the importance we attach to work or busyness and the rest behavior we practice, and we feel guilty, just like the dissonance we experience when we consume a lot of sweets, knowing that they are unhealthy. Here too we want to change this contradiction between our belief and our behavior that bothers us, and as a solution, we try to reduce rest times, such as reducing eating sweets, but this situation, which seems like a short-term solution, may lead to bigger problems.

The website stated that dopamine, the chemical secreted by the prefrontal cortex in our brain when we feel pleasure, may have negative consequences such as decreased attention and concentration, loss of motivation, poor problem-solving skills, and insomnia. That is, when we reduce the time allocated to the activities we enjoy, we cannot Satisfying our need for relaxation and rejuvenation, our skills at the job we are focused on are weakened, so, it may be beneficial for us to spend time resting and doing things we enjoy, in addition to the work we do.

How can we achieve a balance between work and rest?

The site explained that to achieve balance, we can start by appreciating the efforts we put into our business. Remembering what we have overcome and what we have learned along the way is as important as the work we plan to do in the future.

We can also identify areas of life that are important to us, while spending the necessary time and effort on them, and we can also identify areas in which we need to give up. For example; Instead of pursuing a master’s degree and going on busy business trips at the same time, choosing one of these trips may allow us to delve deeper into the field and have time to unwind.

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When creating a time management chart, creating a simple chart can help us achieve a balance between work and rest time.

The report stated that one of the methods that makes time planning easier is to determine the work that must be done and the rest times. Accordingly, after determining the work that will be accomplished, the duration of the break that will be taken and the duration of this break is determined, and what should be done during the rest periods is up to your discretion. For example, let’s say we are preparing for a graduation project and we aim to complete this project within a month by working for five hours every day. Using this technique, we can plan when we will work during the day and how long we will rest, and we can spend the remaining time for things we enjoy.

The website concluded the report by emphasizing that when applying all these techniques, it may be better to view rest periods as a basic and necessary part of life, and not as a task. Our free time can be seen as an opportunity to do things that are not necessary and that bring us pleasure. We also have the opportunity to reflect on and understand our experiences. This can be likened to stopping and thinking for a while to absorb what we read in a book, rather than directly starting another book.

2023-11-12 07:46:59
#feel #guilty #free #time #reasons

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