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Understanding and Managing High Cholesterol: Characteristics and Causes


Cholesterol is a fat found in the bloodstream or cells of the human body. When cholesterol levels are high, this can cause dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

To avoid high cholesterol, detikers should start maintaining a regular diet. Apart from that, balance it by getting more exercise at least once a week.

There are a number of signs in the body when cholesterol levels are high. So, what are the characteristics of high cholesterol? Read the complete discussion in this article.

Characteristics of High Cholesterol

Sometimes, many people are not aware that their cholesterol levels are high. Reported by the official website of the Ministry of Health, normal cholesterol levels are less than 200 mg/dL.

Please note that the high limit for cholesterol is around 200-239 mg/dL and is said to be very high if it exceeds 240 mg/dL.

It is recommended to check your cholesterol levels if you experience the following characteristics:

Easily tired and sleepy Leg muscle pain and aches Easily short of breath Erectile dysfunction in men Increased body weight Frequently experiencing chest pain Often tingling There are light yellow cholesterol deposits under the skin (xanthelasma).

Causes of High Cholesterol Levels

There are a number of factors that cause a person to develop high cholesterol. Reported by the Cleveland Clinic website, the following are the causes of increased cholesterol levels.

1. Smoking

Someone who frequently smokes can lower good cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) while increasing bad cholesterol or Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood.

2. Stress

Stress can also trigger a person to experience high cholesterol. This is because stress can activate the sympathetic nervous system which can cause the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine which can increase the concentration of free fatty acids in the blood.

3. Diet

Another cause of cholesterol levels increasing is due to not managing your diet. Please note, consuming foods that contain saturated fat and high cholesterol has the potential to increase cholesterol levels in the blood.

4. Obesity

Being overweight or obese also causes cholesterol levels to increase. Generally, people who are overweight have high triglyceride levels. This can potentially turn into Very-Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) and HDL to the liver.

5. Consuming alcoholic drinks

Consuming too much alcohol is not good for the body’s health, one of which can increase cholesterol levels.

6. Lack of physical activity

Lack of physical activity can affect cholesterol levels in the body. Because, when the body rarely exercises and consumes too much food, this can increase LDL cholesterol.

For this reason, start some light physical activity such as walking or jogging. Apart from that, you can also do sports such as playing badminton, swimming and futsal.

Those are eight characteristics of high cholesterol levels and a number of causes. Hopefully this article can add information to detikers.

Watch the Video “Tips from Doctors for Cholesterol Sufferers to Safely Fast”


2023-12-03 12:18:24
#Signs #High #Cholesterol #Watch

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