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Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease: Early Symptoms and Progression

Alzheimer’s disease It is the leading and most common cause of dementia in the elderly. It is a disease that has no cure yet. But can delay the onset or delay the deterioration of dementia as slowly as possible

Early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

In the early stages there is a predominant symptom of forgetfulness. Can’t remember events that just happened Asking or saying the same thing repeatedly, putting things down and not finding them, often missing things, having trouble using language, not being able to think of words, using the wrong words, having trouble concentrating or concentrating on stories for a long time, having problems with dimensions. Estimation of distance and direction, such as getting lost often, driving swiftly, hitting more often Difficulties in management, planning, problem solving inappropriate reasoning Loss of skills in doing activities that have a sequence of steps that they used to be able to do, such as using electrical devices, telephones, cooking, etc. Personality changes from before. or have mental symptoms such as having suspicion, jealousy that you have never been, speaking vulgarly, worrying, or fearing unreasonably Depressed mood, frustration, decreased interest in the environment Not interested in socializing, isolating, passive, doing nothing, not interested in people around

The deterioration and symptoms above begin to become evident in patients with early symptoms called Mild Cognitive Impairment is a period of time before the symptoms worsen later. until entering dementia

When severe, it affects the patient’s ability to perform daily activities. and in the latter The patient will not be able to do basic daily activities such as bathing, dressing, eating food by himself.

Information by : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sukcharoen Tangwongchai

Department of Psychiatry

Information as of : July 1, 2023

2023-06-30 15:57:58

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