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Understanding Acute Bronchitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

[오늘의 건강]

Entered 2023.11.12 06:00 Views 3 Entered 2023.11.12 06:00 Modified 2023.11.12 04:15 Views 3

A cough that lasts for a long time may be a sign of ‘acute bronchitis’ rather than a cold. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It will be mostly clear across the country, but temperatures will be lower than normal and there will be many places with morning temperatures below freezing. The lowest morning temperature is forecast to be -7 to 5 degrees, and the highest daytime temperature is forecast to be 4 to 12 degrees.

Today’s health = This is the season when the number of cold patients increases due to the cold and dry weather. In particular, coughing is one of the typical symptoms of a cold. However, a cough that lasts for a long time may be a sign of ‘acute bronchitis’ rather than a cold.

The difference between a cold and acute bronchitis lies in the site of infection. Colds are caused by a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract, but the site of infection in acute bronchitis is the lower respiratory tract. However, depending on the patient, a cold and acute bronchitis may occur simultaneously.

If coughing persists for more than 5 days, acute bronchitis should be suspected. It may be preceded by cold symptoms such as headache, runny nose, and sore throat, and may also be accompanied by wheezing or difficulty breathing. At this time, if symptoms temporarily improve and then recur repeatedly, it may be bronchial asthma, so an accurate diagnosis is needed.

Cough due to acute bronchitis can last for 1 to 3 weeks, but symptoms usually improve within 3 weeks without any treatment. Drinking warm water or tea is helpful, and if the cough is severe, you can take non-narcotic cough medicine, antihistamine, or nasal decongestant.

2023-11-11 21:01:27

#Chullokkolok #days #Couldnt #cold

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