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Understand the Characteristics of Louhan to Make it More Charming »RADARSEMARANG.ID

RADARSEMARANG.ID – During the Covid-19 pandemic, community activities were limited. People spend more time at home. Since then, various new habits have emerged in society. Caring for louhan fish is one of them.

Louhan fish had a chance booming and became the king of ornamental fish in the early 2000s. This fish has unique characteristics. Like a bump on the head, a color, marking on the body, to the shape of the mouth, fins, and pearls on the scales. Flowerhorn will look even more charming if treated properly.

Aditya Rofiq is one of the Flowerhorn hobbyists. This 30-year-old man has been pursuing a hobby of raising Flowerhorns since he was living in Banjarnegara. Initially Adit’s father, Upiyono, raised Flowerhorn at home. Indirectly, Adit even likes his father’s pet louhan fish.

Had stopped because of saturation. He returned to actively caring for Flowerhorns when he moved to Semarang and joined the Semarang Louhan Lovers Community (KPLS) in early 2019. “Previously, he had treated him. It turns out that we meet the community here, finally we are happy again, ”said Adit Wednesday (14/4/2021).

Adit explained, in maintaining Flowerhorn there are three categories, namely breeder, progressor, and fighter. Breeder is a person who breeds louhan fish from laying eggs, fertilizing, to become fish pups. Progressor is the person whoprogress (develop) the fish from tillers to become large. While fighter is a person who participates in the louhan fish contest. “If I prefer to progressor and fighter that was earlier, “said Adit to Jawa Pos Radar Semarang.

Photo: Special

According to Adit, maintenance of louhan fish is not that difficult. However, there are several things that need to be considered. For example, changing the aquarium water once a week or when the water is cloudy. Then keep the water temperature normal at 36 degrees. “This is because the louhan fish cannot live in cold water,” he explained.

Each Flowerhorn has different characteristics. Type cencu usually uncomfortable with dirty water. Different by type kamfa, which feels more comfortable in cloudy water. So that the owner must really know the characteristics so that the potential for his pet can appear maximally. “If the water is getting cloudy, cencu usually feel itchy, then his body rubbed against the glass, “he added.

The feeding must also be correct. It is better if the Flowerhorn is fed gradually. Morning, afternoon and evening. If these things are not considered properly, Flowerhorn has the potential to develop disease. For example it appears white spot (fungus) on his body and attacked by white stool in his digestion.

Flowerhorn fish have a fairly long endurance if cared for properly. Can reach 5-6 years. However, his agility will decrease as he gets older.

While keeping Flowerhorns, Adit only feeds his fish every Monday-Thursday. Friday-Sunday. He allows the fish to fast in order to become more aggressive. Louhan fish feed consists of pellets, shrimp mixed with carophyl (coloring for fish), and frozen worms. “If I just give the feed standard, for small fish at most 5-10 pellets. If the big one I give shrimp, pellets, and frozen worms, “said the Head of KPLS.

The pandemic also has an impact on Flowerhorn lovers. During the early days of the pandemic, the price of fish dropped dramatically. This is because there is no fish contest. Starting in mid-2020, the price of fish will rise again and fish contests are starting to be held again. However, the impact cannot be like it was before the pandemic.

As a fish lover, Flowerhorn has participated in a contest. At that time he won 3rd and 5th place. Currently, Adit is raising around 20 Flowerhorns. In addition, he also raises other fish such as bettas and brooms. (mg8 / mg6 / will)

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