Home » today » News » Underground Cargo: Privately Funded Automated Transport System in Switzerland Set to Revolutionize Logistics by 2050

Underground Cargo: Privately Funded Automated Transport System in Switzerland Set to Revolutionize Logistics by 2050

In up to 40 meters deep ought to automatic vehicles clockwise with an average speed of 30 km/h Transport goods – from building materials to food – throughout Switzerland. The goods are to be unloaded in logistics centers on the outskirts of cities, brought to the surface and distributed in city centers.

up to 40 percent of the Heavy traffic have made the main Swiss traffic routes in this way 2050 to move underground, says Daniel WienerCFO of Underground cargo. He started the project together with Peter Sutterlüti, who was the manager of Swiss Post.

Freight traffic increases one to two percent annually, says Wiener, who was a guest at the Consumer Experience Forum conference in Vienna in mid-April. Retailers in cities are already facing delivery delays and empty shelves due to the many traffic jams. There is hardly any space left on the roads and passenger traffic is a priority when the railway is being extended. “Tunneling is very common in Switzerland,” said Wiener: “That’s why we’re doing it now.”

The beginning of construction on the first part of Zurich to the community about 70 kilometers away A king planned for 2027. It will be implemented 4 years later.

Privately funded

The ambitious project is expected to cost up to 35 billion Swiss francs (about 36 billion euros) when completed. It will be funded by private donors only. Since tunnels under the highway alone are not worth it, a logistics system has been designed that organizes everything from one source, from sorting goods in the tunnels to distribution in the cities, says Wiener. Cargo Sous Terrain will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy.

120 million Swiss francs (123 million euros) already invested in development. The money comes from around 80 companies, including retail chains Coop and Migrosdeath Swiss Credit, Helvetia, Swisscom and the Swiss Post.

Also yours Law has already been approved by the Swiss Parliament for the project. It speeds up procedures and building permits across cantonal borders.


However, as the first approval procedures began and as specific routes became known, resistance began to emerge. Effects of this reason discussions Ground water and disposal of those excavated during tunnel construction Erdmassen. Every infrastructure has its drawbacks, says Wiener. This needs to be discussed openly. Every place has other options. In any case, they are confident that they will find solutions together with the communities.

In regions where the first distribution centers are planned, there will also be a large one Increase in traffic fear Of course, the amount of traffic around the hubs is increasing, but overall the traffic load in the cities is decreasing, Wiener argues. In Zurich alone, the distances traveled by trucks would already be exceeded before the first section is implemented Tag 5.000 kilometers pro to reduce By distributing goods more efficiently, city center delivery trips could be reduced by up to, depending on the sector 30 percent be reduced.

The centers have a size of 8,000 square meters also designed to be much more space-saving than conventional logistics centers.

“Far From Reality”

Critics have been scratching their heads about the project for years. They describe it as “out of touch with reality” and doubt it will ever pay off. Some companies, such as the Swiss Railway SBB, have withdrawn again. Swiss Post is also said to be planning to withdraw, he reported to the daily newspaper Blick.

The system must be economically competitive. This is also a condition of the donors, says Wiener. The construction costs for the first section between Zurich and Härkingen are: 4 billion Swiss francs (4.1 billion euros).

Wiener expects to see initial results a year to a year after commissioning: “We don’t expect to be used just because we are more stable. If we can’t compete with the cheapest price on the street, we can’t build at all.”

Interest from other countries

There is also interest in the logistics system from other countries and regions, says Wiener: “In Switzerland we want to prove that it works.”

In addition to the knowledge for tunnel construction, there is also an affinity for high-quality infrastructure and financing capabilities. The Swiss franc also makes the project interesting internationally as an investment.

2024-05-05 04:33:07
#heavy #traffic #Switzerland #moved #underground

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