Home » today » News » Undercover operation in Yonkers ends in a shootout with one dead and one police officer injured | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Undercover operation in Yonkers ends in a shootout with one dead and one police officer injured | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

>> good night. greets yoube with us. acovert operation forsearch for firearmsstreets and try to get theended with one dead. purplethe facts in a casestill lowinvestigation.>> the bullets were heard2:10 p.m. on thisblock that is still closed.that shooting involves severalpolice officers.three suspects here tooagents participated in thisan operation that involvesFirearms.[habla en ingés]>> the parties involvedThey were outside of awarehouse at 115 streetwhen the suspectsthey ran, one of themshot a detective whilean fbi agent who formspart of the operative tooopened fire on the gunman, he saidthe police chief.the injured officer is 27years in uniform. thebullet impact pierced hisstomach, the colon also takesintestines according toauthorities.two men are under arrestwhile the alleged gunmanpassed away[la habla en ingés]>> the mother read to the sceneof the desperate deceased.“They won’t let me see my son, nolet me see it. I read himthey shot in the head.he had five children.we come to visitfrom Georgia”.>> the identity of the allegedtriggerman has not beenconfirmed by the police.fire as evidence.we have the warehouse videoand we are investigating the versionof some witnesses.>> area residents spokewith “univision news 41”.>> I looked out my window and sawso many helicopters, but noIt’s strange because on that street thereis rare. something always happens there.>> at the time of this operationbody camera put on due towhich is fbi policy.case one continues underinvestigation.

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