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Underage crime, Youth crime | Sylvi Listhaug challenges Erna Solberg on juvenile delinquency

FRP director Sylvi Listhaug is excited about ideas from Unge Høyre director Ola Svenneby about how to fight youth crime.

– Now it seems that the Conservative Party is very divided. I think that if Erna and the Tory leadership go out now and are clear that there are good proposals coming from Ola Svenneby, he will be able to influence the whole party to find the solutions to get that, said Listhaug to him. The combat class.

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– It’s good to listen to Svenneby

– It would be wise to listen more to Svenneby in the future, is Listhaug’s advice to Erna Solberg.

Violent events in Oslo in recent weeks, the robbery of young people at the Norwegian Cup and a stabbing at Tjuvholmen are part of the background for moving from Svenneby. Listhaug is among those who are concerned that many of the perpetrators are so young.

– I think it is so scary that the police are losing more and more control of the situation. They have a special perspective, but they don’t have control, said Listhaug to the newspaper.

Listhaug was the Minister of Justice for a little less than a year in Erna Solberg’s government until she resigned in March 2018.

It will lower the minimum age for criminals

The first thing that needs to be solved, according to Listhaug, is the ability to punish those under the minimum criminal age and to be able to keep them away from society.

– First, we will lower the minimum age for criminals by one year. I see that Unge Høyre is considering reducing it by two years, which we must also consider in our program work. It is therefore important that wherever the border is, you should not be able to walk free after committing a serious crime. Then it’s about closed childcare centers, says Listehaug, still according to Klassekampen.

Right-wing leader Erna Solberg will also come up with a proposal about youth crime in Klassekampen on Monday. She opens because the police should be allowed to detain children under 15 in handcuffs. She still hasn’t figured out how young the children might be.

2024-08-12 07:14:55

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