Home » today » News » Underage boy makes sickening joke with 112 call in Limburg, police outraged

Underage boy makes sickening joke with 112 call in Limburg, police outraged

The police in Limburg are outraged by a ‘sickening’ joke by an underage boy. On Sunday, the boy called 112 with the report that there would be a dead child in the middle of a forest in Landgraaf. After the police had turned out in a big way, this turned out to be wrong.

The underage boy participated in the game ‘act, dare or truth’. He had to carry out a so-called dare assignment. The boy called 112 with the false report. Ambulance, several patrols, a rapid responder and an ambulance were sent to the location of the report, but did not find the body of a child.

We, police officers, ambulance personnel and control room employees are not waiting for this! When we arrive, everything goes through our minds and we prepare for the worst! We put our own lives on the line for you,” the police wrote on Facebook on Sunday. ‘Remember that there are always people who really need help, because they have a cardiac arrest, their house is on fire, or they are being robbed. You shouldn’t think that these people can’t reach 911 because someone else is playing a prank and is holding the line.’

Making a false 112 report, i.e. telling something that is not correct, is punishable by law. Just like abusing 112, for example when you only call and disconnect laughing or screaming. “That means that it is seen as a serious offense,” writes the Limburg police. The boy has now been talked to, a police spokesperson tells 1Limburg. “And now we are going to see how we are going to follow up on this with partners such as the Public Prosecution Service and Veilig Thuis.”

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