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Under Word: Schiaretti does not see a break with the Nation due to judicial reform

They admit that it is a blow in the relationship with the Casa Rosada. But as they allowed to transcend from their environment, Governor Juan Schiaretti is convinced that the refusal of his deputies to support the judicial reform will not generate a definitive break with President Alberto Fernández.

“Those who dramatize are you (for the journalists). Judicial reform is a political issue, not a managerial one. It would be much more complicated if we did not vote on the Budget or we had rejected the Economic Emergency Law, which came out with the support of our deputies, “said one of the leaders of the small table of the political decisions of the provincial PJ.

This vision of schiarettismo has some point of contact with the reading that a Cordovan leader made with arrival to the presidential fifth of Olivos.

“Alberto (Fernández) knows that he has substantial differences with Schiaretti regarding the country model. But he will not make the same mistake as Cristina of involving all the people of Cordoba in the political differences he has with the governor. It will not discriminate or carry out operations against the Government of Córdoba, as Christianity did, ”argued the Cordovan albertista.

Regarding the future of the judicial reform, the Civic Center considers that it will be very difficult for the President to reverse the adverse scenario in Deputies. To get the quorum, in addition to Schiaretti, you must convince Roberto Lavagna.

“We do not know the internal government well, but this reform was born badly and will end the same. They know (the national officials) that they made incredible political mistakes in presenting the issue. The best way out is for them to do the same as with Vicentin: back off. If they go ahead, they will pay more costs, ”said another Schiarettista voice widely heard at the Civic Center.

Internal criticism for the Blas Correas case

While Governor Juan Schiaretti insists on keeping silence on the Valentino Blas Correas case, in the provincial PJ, the questions about the official strategy of not showing signs of having received the impact of a case that generated strong social commotion grow low.

As is often the case at the top of power, criticism is not directed at the governor, but at the small group that surrounds him.

“They seem to live in a thermos. It is true that it was an unfortunate case and that the death of the boy has no solution, but the worst thing a leader can do is lock himself up and show insensitivity, “he heard himself say in one of the many bars in the General Paz neighborhood, close to the Civic Center. the Legislature, where the ruling party leaders unload their internal criticisms, which will never be out loud.

Officials and government legislators admit that the strong public and social media statements by Soledad Laciar, Valentino Blas’s mother, generate a strong political cost for the provincial government.

“I don’t know who advised the governor not to approach the family. With the resolution of the judicial case it is not enough. The social impact was missing. That happens when a government listens only to a few ”, argued a Schiarettista, who today is far from the decisions taken at the Civic Center.

Other voices warn, however, that a rapprochement by the governor to the family at this time could be interpreted as an interference in the ongoing judicial investigation.

The President seeks interlocutors in the opposition

In times of quarantine, the epicenter of national power moved from the Casa Rosada to the presidential house in Olivos.

In the midst of the twists and turns of the judicial reform, with a social protest that stirred the spirits in the national government, President Alberto Fernández and his small decision-making table devised a political strategy to try to lessen the impact of the confrontation with Juntos for the change.

As they have been trying, albertism will try to take the opposition stage to former President Mauricio Macri, but will build bridges with other opposition sectors.

There is dialogue with three leaders who were influential in the macrista administration: Emilio Monzó, Rogelio Frigerio and Nicolás Massot.

Furthermore, the President’s intention is to take a photo with these leaders in the next few days. However, this would not be possible in these days of tension between the ruling party and the opposition, due to the judicial reform.

“We have dialogue, because we believe that the crack is going to take us all, but it is not that bad either,” said one of the members of this trio, who feels further away from Macri but for now will continue to bet on Together for the change.

A new call from the President to the entire opposition should not be ruled out to sit down and discuss the judicial reform, but the current plan of the national government is to show itself close to those dialogist opposition sectors and to continue nurturing good relations with the radical governors and with the chief of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

The objective is to isolate Macri and the hard wing of macrismo and radicalism


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Print edition

The original text of this article was published on 08/24/2020 in our print edition.

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