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Under Word: Schiaretti, concerned about the coming economy

Governor Juan Schiaretti changed his communication strategy in the last month. Almost daily he leads an act, but only talks about the subject of the call.

It has been a long time since he has spoken in public about the reality of the country. But in their environment they assure that, in private, they do not hide their concern for the future of the economy after the passage of the coronavirus pandemic.

The president believes that there will be an economic rebound when the quarantine is lifted, although that reactivation will take several months to reach February levels, when the country’s situation was already complicated. There is an axis of action that will concentrate the Province’s efforts in the coming months: re-profiling the debt once there is an agreement between the Nation and foreign bondholders.

Schiaretti is convinced that he will be able to resolve this urgent matter quickly, since between July 27 and September 1 he will have to pay almost 3.4 billion pesos in maturities. As these commitments are very close in time, in the Civic Center they do not believe that they will enter into a possible restructuring.

The governor considers that an important step to help the rebound of the economy is a “good agreement” of the Nation with the bondholders. This despite the fact that everything indicates that this arrangement will be partial, not with all external creditors, which would be bad news for all the provinces.

Many sons of policemen in the forces

In recent weeks, leaders of the main Cordovan state unions held several meetings to agree on a plan to fight against the pension reform promoted by Governor Juan Schiaretti.

In one of these meetings, a topic came up that caught the attention of the unionists. One of the leaders assured that the number of children of police officers who are entering the force is “impressive”. “The governor fills his mouth saying that they are trying to reduce the red of the Caja, but it turns out that they are putting all the children of police officers who are under 25 years old and who will later retire at 45 years old or younger. So there is no regime that can hold, “said the lawyer and advisor to one of the largest state unions in Córdoba.

Although they are not going to say it in public, among the state unionists they consider that the street claims are already exhausted and now they put all the cards on the judicial claim they made against the reform. A fact encourages the state: the adjustment hit hard in the Judiciary. However, until now judges have hardly ever brought a turn power headache.

Pihen’s retirement continues to speak

The spread that José Pihen retired two days before the approval of the pension adjustment in the Legislature continues to speak in the trade union and political sphere of Córdoba. According to the reading made by some unionists, the dissemination of this information came from the Civic Center itself to try to delegitimize the claim of the state unions. Pihen is the head of the Union of Public Employees (SEP) and the CGT-Regional Córdoba.

PIHEN. The Cordovan legislator arriving at the Unicameral. (The voice)

Those who pay this theory also mention an ex-member of the Superior Court who, for receiving two retirement benefits, received monthly more than 800 thousand pesos. “The Government tried to delegitimize the claims for the adjustment from above and below.

There is nothing illegal, but it helped to expose them to ‘Pepe’ (for Pihen) and to a magistrate, ”said a trade unionist who does not have many coincidences with Pihen.

Two unexpected compliments for De la Sota

The delasotists of the Legislature looked surprised when two staunch opponents of the late ex-Governor José Manuel de la Sota rescued some of his policies.

The first “eulogy” occurred weeks ago, in the fourth special session, when the renegotiation of the provincial public debt was debated. Within this framework, María Rosa Marcone, legislator of Encuentro Vecinal, who wielded harsh criticism against the provincial government, which she accuses of financial malpractice, stated: “I never really thought of saying this, but I think that Governor De la Sota would not have done these outrages. While he ruled, we did not have to refinance the debts we had. “

The delasotistas who followed the session looked surprised and began to shoot WhatsApp at those who followed the debate from their homes and offices.

Two weeks later, in the framework of a joint meeting of the Human Rights and Social Development, General Legislation and Constitutional Affairs commissions, it was acid Aurelio García Elorrio, also from Encuentro Vecinal, who publicly valued another measure by De la Sota : The creation of the Anti-Drug Police Force (FPA), an elite group that the former governor created when the arrest of Dangerous Drug police occurred.

He was listened to, surprised, by the Minister of Justice, Julián López, who was a legislator in the previous period and suffered repeatedly from the fierce criticism of García Elorrio, who did not hesitate on countless opportunities to link Peronism with the growth of drug dealing. “I appreciate the permanence of Darío Gigena Parker (Córdoba Secretary for Prevention and Assistance to Addictions) and the FPA in the fight against drug trafficking; that is why I say that now we must put our eyes on children and adolescents, so that they do not form part of these structures, ”said García Elorrio. The delasotists present were pinching themselves.

A move that did not go down well in El Panal

Martín Llaryora collumed in the last days of May several mayors of the main cities of the interior in the claim to the Nation for the “unequal” distribution of transport subsidies.

From the Palacio 6 de Julio, a month ago it was revealed that Llaryora had aligned Pablo Javkin (Rosario), Emilio Jatón (Santa Fe) and Adán Bahl (Paraná), along with 10 other communal chiefs from other parts of the country. That role of Llaryora was not well seen in El Panal, from where they marked the field: the main rounds were approaching with Suoem and he could not be distracted by that issue, which also made the national government uncomfortable, owner of the contributions of the Treasury that he needs Schiaretti.

“There is unconditional support from Schiaretti to Martín to advance against Suoem, but he misrepresented himself when he got involved with the Nation because of the subsidies,” summed up a provincial official with good dialogue with the 6 de Julio Palace.


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