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Under express reservation. Why AMLO didn’t get on the presidential plane

They tell us that even though the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador had hinted that it could be uploaded this Monday to the TP-01 presidential plane To know him, at the last minute he decided not to.

They point out that despite the fact that last week he had declared that “maybe I get on the plane to learn about life before the change ”, the president reported on Monday at a press conference that better not.

This, official sources assure us, is because the president assured in the campaign and already as head of the Executive federal that would not climb for anything in the world al “Jose maria morelos and pavon”Therefore, doing so would have brought him criticism for not having respected his promise. So that chapter was missing from the show.

What is certain, they indicate, is that does not pass the month of August this year that sale of the plane presidential and be, finally, the end of a soap opera that lasted more than two years and that much has served to distract attention of truly relevant topics.

The final chapter of the soap opera It will be when the word FIN appears on the screens while the aircraft is lost in the sky after being delivered to its new owner.


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