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Under express reservation. The 91 deputies who left

What else had they better do 91 deputies who went out of the picture and did not participate in the election of the four new INE directors?

Yesterday everything was happiness in Chamber of Deputies for the consensus reached to elect the directors of the National Electoral Institute (OTHER), but there is always a negrito in the rice.

After in 4 months of quarantine for the Covid-19 pandemic, federal deputies have only had to go twice to the Chamber of Deputies extraordinary periods, and yesterday it occurred to them to miss 91 legislators from all political forces.

They tell us that they showed these deputies on social networks and asked them: In full pandemicWhat else is better for our legislators to do than go to San Lazaro to fulfill their obligation and elect the new INE directors?

Also read: They are the 4 INE councilors elected by deputies

Some replied that they did not attend for protection or prevention, but yes the legislative compound was sanitized, massive tests were carried out and implemented measures to maintain a healthy distance. The case is that nothing was worth and almost a fifth of the legislators. apparently, they had more important things to do and they were absent from the Chamber.

The absent were: 33 of Brunette; 18 of PAN; 18 of PRI; 9 of PES; 5 of PT; 3 of Verde; 2 of MC; 2 of FART and 1 without party.

What little interest, they make us see, some legislators showed in a process that aims to strengthen the body that guarantees the elections, like the one that allowed them to have the honor of being in a seat and he gives them month after month a juicy check that most Mexicans do not have the opportunity to receive for your work.


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