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Uncovering the Real Calorie Content of Ikea Cookies

Biscotti Ikea – Depositphotos – Laterradelgusto.it

Bye diet! If you make too many Ikea cookies, you can apparently tell. The calories they contain.

We are now almost ready, some more and some less, for the idea that we will soon have to deal with the idea scary swimsuit test. In fact, despite the coldness of the last time, although we have arrived primavera a month and a half ago now, the estate it is close at hand. So the time has come, as many on social media shout, to get back in line and lose those too many kilos.

Stop too swellingwhich is usually put on sides and on abdominal areas. We will try to do it as much movement as possible and sustain themselves always wateredin addition to the following a a healthier and more balanced diet. It is clear that we do everything with the main goal get back in shape.

In any case, waves avoid adverse effects for our health, it is always good to contact a good nutritionist, who will be able to plan a guide for us carefully targeted nutrition plan. Having said that, when we find ourselves in front of sweets, yes very difficult to know how to let ourselves go and resist it temptation to enjoy it in the distance of Santa.

Ikea cookies, the unexpected surprise

So, when we find ourselves atIkeafor some family shopping and we are near the checkouts and we notice some delicious cookies, we usually tend to put them in the cart. Undoubtedly they are very good and among the most popular are the coffee party i.e. i oatmeal cookies. Apparently they are very popular with both adults and children. for the breakfast and for the small meal.

Many people like to hide in the warm milkor combine them a cup of tea. And there are those who don’t even ignore them while following a real TV series or a good movie with great interest. The truth is that it should be done now go easy on them if we on a diet. When we find out calorie in which they are, we will be surprised.

The real calorie consumption of Ikea cookies
Cookies – Depositphotos – Laterradelgusto.it

How many calories are in them really?

Of course, think that for yourself 100gbeauty is maintained 490 calories. Among other things, they are usually present in a package 160 g of fruit which can only be bought hard in the United States physical Ikea stores e no internet. This way you can proceed with shopping only for everything it is not part of it of the majority the food industry.

It is clear that the news is about attendance caloric index so high inside the cookies, plus no sweet, many users will be surprised. So the advice is not to give up spending, but focus on this side politeness. From the cookie layer from time to time, as a kind of small mistakewe can allow ourselves that too on a diet.

2024-05-02 18:34:49
#Ikea #cookies #imagine #calories #Goodbye #Diet #Laterradelgusto

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