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Uncovering the Mysteries of Iršu Garden: A Hidden Gem in Latvia’s Landscape

In the Iršu garden, the most observant, looking at the landscape, can also see the Tērvete mound.

“The forest is like a huge wonder castle with countless doors and exits…,” wrote Anna Brigadere.

In the oldest part of the park, the bends of the Tērvete river and the uncharacteristic terrain, hills and valleys of the Zemgale plain are clearly visible. Here, at sunset, marigolds bloom the fastest and we often see the first butterflies.

“At night, not a living soul should pass by, because otherwise it would be swallowed up by the blue and red fires that shoot and crackle there, and in the south, when one walks there, white women appear behind every bush. Irsu Garden is a forbidden secret, a wonderful place, the Forester does not spare anyone who is caught there. In the Iršu garden, a person can disappear right before your eyes, and no one knows where he has gone. In the Irsu garden there are birds with shining feathers, in the Irsu garden there are strawberries as big as the tips of the thumbs,” wrote Anna Brigadere in the trilogy “God, Nature, Work”.

2024-03-15 14:04:49

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